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Reviews for "Who Wants To Be A NG Fan?"

it sucked

yea ur game sucked it was just another millionaire game n the questions were too easy

TomokoSasaki responds:

Just looked through your reviews, and you'll be happy to know i voted EVERY one of them ABUSIVE.. have a nice day :P
Also, i hacked your hotmail and spammed Wade and ur own email account. Just to be funny. See, just cos you used "CHINK" as an insult, you suddenly think you're all cool, well listen up you little white faggot ass, one day, someone with the tinyiest bit of sense will kick your fucking head into your ass hole and make you lick up your isnides, then rip your tiny dick off with scissors then hammer it to your back with a nail. I could type this shit all day, cos i know i'm not being offensive since you racially abused me so i can say anything iwant with it being legal and all but you broke the law, i can EASILY get you banned from newgrounds if you ever said that shit on here you know, so guess what? STOP PUTTING CAT FOOD ON YOUR PENIS AND GETTING YOUR CAT TO LICK YOUR PENIS' HEAD, FUCK YOU AND UR UGLY CAT!

great game

please respond

TomokoSasaki responds:

go away you're an idiot.


I have no life, I knew like 10 of the 15 questions.

TomokoSasaki responds:

so you should!


I acually answered some of these questions correctly. Thats sad.


I know to much about Newgrounds lol good game keep up the good work ^_^