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Reviews for "Mad Pirate Skeleton Bomber"

Absolutely punishing to play through and rewarding to finish.
My only complaint is that you don't have as much control of yourself in the air as I'd like. It makes launching yourself vertically over obstacles annoying since a lot of them kill you, and dying resets the whole level. If the control was just a bit stronger, I think this would be perfect.

Astounding that this uses no engines and only Javascript. Wonderful work of art in gameplay and artstyle.

I would also recommend adding Medals/High Scores for Deaths and Time

Not impossible, but certainly not easy.
Hope it hits frontpage.

EDIT: The air control is much better now.
Double 5-star for sure.

EDIT: Got all achievements. Best run was around 2:48. Might narrow myself down a bit before the next patch. You should add a High Score for normal and Gallion Bertha.

EDIT: Beat Gallion Bertha in around 10 minutes. Was really fun to play! I'm going to try and lower my times now.

EDIT: New time - 2:14.14. Made a mistake or two, could be lowered.
PROOF: https://imgur.com/a/ziQmEBp

EDIT: Beat my time. 2:11.11. I'm dead sure that sub 2-minute is possible, if not very close.

EDIT: Created records for Gallion Bertha in both categories. Time is 2:25.40.

EDIT: My Gallion Bertha Bomb Efficiency record was taken by fuckoffasshole, but I managed to get it back. Theoretical limit for record is currently 87 bombs.

EDIT: Experimented with strategies for base 17 levels. Theoretical record for Bomb Efficiency is currently 129 bombs.

EDIT: I have achieved a record of 113. I feel as if this is a glitch, as my math tells me about my previous upper limit. I don't understand how this happened at all.

saantonandre responds:

You are right, the air control can get rough, I may adjust it in future updates but just a little to not mess with how it impact the level designs.
Thanks, I'm glad you appreciated its art side :)
Sure, I was also thinking of adding medals within the next patches

At first I was confused as to how the alternating bombs would add anything to the gameplay, but then I got to the later levels. It makes a very interesting puzzle as to how to get rid of your black bombs in some situations. Landing jumps with the pink bombs is extremely satisfying. I haven't actually finished the game yet, but I'm sure going to try, because wow this game is fun to play. Also respect for writing it all in vanilla JS.

But let's be honest, the real reason I'm rating 5 is because the pirate does a dab when you throw a bomb in the direction opposite of where you're facing.

saantonandre responds:

Actually laughed, I've never seen the backward bomb that way, also thanks a lot for your kind words :)

an amazingly pleasant game with an amazing atmosphere and gameplay, i hope to see more from you in the future

This is a pretty fun game! It has a pretty unique game mechanic and I really liked it! Some of the puzzles were a tad challenging but fun! The pixel art and music is pretty good too.

saantonandre responds:

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed :)

Pretty nice, love the art work, my only issues are 2 things, first, it's a pain to predict where the bombs will go, so perhaps making an arc visualization would help, second, I think making it a bit more obvious what bomb you're on would help alot, maybe in the corner or something have a little card to show what bomb type you're on, I understand part of the challenge is keeping track of that, but it's kinda hard to see the bombs amongst the pixels of the pirate themself, otherwise, pretty awesome work!

saantonandre responds:

Thanks a lot for your review! The bomb type is also displayed in the cursor by the way, I might think about adding the arc but it gets difficult since the bombs also keeps your momentum(other than the accelleration of the throw), so it might go all over the place when you fall/jump and it can get distracting