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Reviews for "Icon's Story (中文)"

This is my review.

That was certainly a very entertaining little flash. Good length by the way. The graphics were really my windows, except mine is olive green color theme. Another weird thing is strangely, that was my desktop a few months ago. Lolz before I uninstalled Diablo 2 forever. The style was well thought up of. I know there are a few of those windows style flashes out there but this really was creative. The sound was good but put in a little video game theme like the song from Kirby: Superstar while he is battling Marx. Violent in a sense of little icons killing themselves. Really funny how you made them kill each other lolz.

Overall this was a great and creative movie. I do have a suggestion. Instead of the Diablo 2 Icon, make it just breath fire and burn another icon. Let all the other icons fight each other in a way. Then in the end when the last two icons stand, have recycle bin suck them all into his recycle bin and delete them. Then have the screen say Error: Reinstall windows in the blue screen. That'd be really funny.

Good job, hope to see more of these.

Wonderfully Original

Had to watch it twice to catch everything that went on but boy it was worth it. Great concept, wonderfully executed, and the way each icon attacked was very inventive. Nobody messes with Diablo 2!


This is definitely a unique movie! And for all of you that are bitching about that it was stolen: YOU ARE A FUCKING BUNCH OF WANKING MUTHAS! And the guy that said he saw it on www.albinoblacksheep.com: WTF ARE YOU TALKIN ABOUT! WHENEVER I GO ON IT, IT KEEPS SAYING STUFF SAYING YOU ARE AN IDIOT! AND THE BOX KEEPS BOUNCING ACROSS THE SCREEN AND OTHER WANKER BOXES APPEAR! So all you other people, please don't go on www.albinoblacksheep.com. Anyway, How come the Recycle Bin didn't get any action? You could have at least make him clean up the mess. But what the hell.

Very Great

no matter it is stolen or not, i got to admit this is a great movie.

Now that's something about icons...

If this is really stolen, I hope NG do something about it. But since it was awarded no.1 daily movie, i doubt it. It was a good movie no matter what.