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Reviews for "L&M Logo Theme"


i loved it
great for a logo

SHADOWFOX2 responds:

Hey, thanks a lot for reviewing dude. I got my idea from the Universal Studios logo music, Halo 2, and the King Flying Banana music I made a while before this. I still got some work to do, but I'm gettin' there. Thanks again for the review kolpol81!

mad cool!

Now I needs to hear some new masterpeices!


Thanks for your vote, Mitrox! You voted 5 for L&M Logo Theme, raising its score from 3.33 to 3.75.

SHADOWFOX2 responds:

LMAO, you didn't have to put the score on there, I believed ya! And as far as new masterpieces, you will dude, and should be soon. I'm trying to do a remix of the Popcorn song, but it's progressing kinda slowly, but I'm workin' on it. I can't ever figure out what type it's gonna be though. I can't seem to stay on one genre, so I'm probably gonna just make more than one...but yep, as far as right now, March 20, 2007, Popcorn's most likely to be next...

Pretty cool.

Well, it was great, but it kinda sounds like the end of ur King Flyin Banana thing. It was pretty coool. And to all the downvoters who downvoted any of my bro's songs, YOU ALL ARE LIFELESS HATERS!!! (for that Jwall idiot who downvoted King Flying Banana)

ps: when are you gonna do that bionicle thing. U said u were gonna do it months ago, but u still hadn't done it yet!

pss: It tells us not to put any other sites, but the downvoting hater on the other page put another site there anyway!

psss: look at the last past statement.

pssss: I'll just shut up now because half of this has nothing to do with the logo. XP

SHADOWFOX2 responds:

Thanks, and yes, I know it sounds like the end of KFB. I wanted it to be that way, which is why I made that comment about it on as the description, but it's good that you noticed. Yeah, that JWall guy was pretty stupid. If ANYONE listens closely, it's easy to tell that it's not the same thing. I mean yes, they're similar, but not the freakin' same. Anyways, the Bionicle thing may be further down the line, but I'll get to it eventually...


lol more reverb than my sky neighborhood.

SHADOWFOX2 responds:

Nothing has more reverb than your sky neighborhood


In such a small time it just keeps building and building until it explodes, and sounds perfect for a logo.

If I ever need a Logo theme, I'm going to you! :)

Also, have you thought of making a career out of this? I'm curious because I think that if you tried it you could easily get away with it. If I ever think of making a commercial game, I'm keeping your number handy! :D

SHADOWFOX2 responds:

Sweet, another review from Cory! If you ever need a logo theme, I'm always here =^_^= I've thought about majoring in music in college. I'm still sticking with computer science though 'cause I'm afraid I might run out of ideas for music. Umm, but yeah, I'm here, and thanks again for the review! =^_^=