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Reviews for "Marcus Peblo!!!!!"


i enjoyed this movie, it was original and the music was haunting. the animation was done very well. it all looked very nice. my only complaint was that i couldn't understand what the kid was mumbling through the whole thing. minor and fixable, good stuff.

I felt like I was dreaming.

This is this first Peblo movie I have seen, and I have to saw I love it. The quality of the animation is superb. I felt like I was dreaming while watching it. Excellent job.

I love peblo, But the other one are a lot better

I love peblo, But the other one are a lot better

Peblo 1-4 a Curious Opium-Fuelled Disaster

I've been looking to sink my teeth into "Marcus Peblo" and its sequels for some time -- and raccoons have sharp teeth. I've long thought of it as one of the most pretentious pieces of shit I've found on Newgrounds, second only to the (unfortunately removed) "Surreal Flash." In the course of reviewing the pieces more carefully, I have changed my mind. It's not overly pretentious, and I can't blame it too much for being a piece of shit.

First of all, let's get rid of this idea that the film has an interesting or complex story, as some incompetent reviewers have suggested. It has tthe barest minimum of image-continuity to suggest a continuous story at all. I suppose one could argue that the films have a message for our time: that "the mystery of the Kubla Kahn floats through the universe," that "the gauntlet has the secret, and that "the dragon in the sky and the stars up above show the way to infinity (or divinity, I can't hear the terrible voice-over properly)."

What this attempts to do is not to provide an understandable story in any traditional sense, but to rather to have an aesthetic effect silmilar to that of providing a story, but without actually doing so. (I say this in the belief that the images chosen are far too bizzare to even possibly be some sort of attempt at allegory. If this is an allegory, Eric Black, then you're going to hell.)

What this film does is say to you, "This is a tremendously important contest between supernatural forces of good and evil," and then offer as proof for this claim not a contest between good and evil, but weird imagery designed to suggest such a contest: keys, caged muppet-looking creatures, Nubian princesses in pyramids, and Pedophile Vore Porn. (Just Kidding!) (I hope to God.)

In this attempt, "Marcus Peblo" falls flat on its face. The music is bizarre, the decision to make its avatar of good a poorly drawn naked two year old gymnast incomprehensible. It catches fire in the third episode with the arrival of bizarre child-eating bat monsters (enough subconscious kick for a room full of surrealists *and* Sigmund Freud), and then the fourth episode puts the fire out. It's a near-total failure, but in a new and interesting way. I award it for its generally good graphics, but despite its interesting intentions, it can't get points for style.

I should also note that given the "Kubla Kahn" reference and the general trippiness, it's possible that the whole "Peblo" experiment is based off of something in Colerdige that I haven't read (I've only read the big two, "Kubla Kahn" and "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"). Based on what I've read. Based on what I've read of him, Colerdige is also a disaster in an new and interesting way. However, his language infinitely beats out any of this flash's drawings. Whatever it is Mr. Black has drawn, it's not a "miracle of strange device."

This review brought to you by De Quincy Opium. The finest in high-quality narcotics since 1830.


I wish more people took pride in their work like Mr. Black did. Awesome film, I can't wait to see how it unfolds.