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Reviews for "Anakin's Revenge"

lol.... very nice

great fight scenes... I'll admit, the drawings weren't the best I've seen, and in the beginning, I thought the movie was gonna suck, but it turned out really tight. anyway, very nice fight scenes, and nice "choreography" (if that word even applies for animation). Keep up the good work.

SolidSacketh responds:

Yeah that beginning sequence wasn't that great huh? My mouse turns into a bitch sometimes and it makes me erase a hundred times to create a semi-smooth line. I had to triumph that to create the fully animated Anakin combat scene. Thanks for the praise of my favorite scene too. It actually jsut started as Anakin destroying the sand people, then grew a few plot elements from there.

i'll give you 1 better

I don't really like the drawing style, but your action sequence was kick-ass. Make more like these!

SolidSacketh responds:

Haha, sorry you don't like the style. I like it. That combat shit actually reminds me of Link from game boy for some weird assed reason. But that's cool man, I'll try to get better at drawing. peace

Not bad...

I am a star wars freak so for me star wars flashes have to be completely accurate for me to love it. Tusken raiders on use long rifles called 'Tusken Rifles' and Gadderafi Batons, not daggers, swords, pikes or bare fisted. Other than that this movie was pretty damn good, he would've went insane and brutally murdered everyone in the camp unlike where in the movie he just kills them like he does everything else. I would have like to see the massiff (dog-like creatures) attack as well. You should make more star wars flashes, just make them accurate and star wars freaks such as myself will give you a higher rating!

i totally agree with the previous review.

thie movie wasnt all that bad.. the dude who commented 2 reviews back if you ever see this anakin was a fuckin jedi. jedis can do that stuff are you retarded you see them do that in every episode jackass.

Well I liked it!

I think some people (ranger2) have been a bit harsh in thier review. If they didn't think that that looked like anakin they're either blind or retarded! Oh and what kind of ending do u expect in an animation like that! the only info I need in the end is that those tuskan's are dead COME ON LIGHTEN UP GIVE THE GUY A BREAK!! keep creating man, good animation :)