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Reviews for "Lost In Dungeon"

Music is good!
Text hints are ok, but reloading the page should not be a game mechanic.

- Jumping while only a pixel or 2 of your character are still on the ground is necessary for some jumps. For it's only three or four jumps, it's ok. If you make more of these jumps the game will start to feel like a lottery.
- Could use a few more "dead ends"
- Could use a "restart game" button or a "warp device" when a dead end was found and no further text is coming
- Should definetely be longer
- Instead of "resetting" the torches when touching a save point, torches should burn out after like ~15 seconds. This would force the player to grab a new one from time to time, and could even force him to throw it before it extinguishes to see traps ahead.
- Definetely needs monsters after a few levels
- Definetely needs a boss mob that trapped you there. (maybe a ghost scared of torchlight?)

OneThatEatYou responds:

Thanks for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate it!

Making the torch burn out is a really nice mechanic that I have not thought of.

The main reason that I did not implement monsters is because this game was originally made during a 72hr game jam and corners are cut. I could not find the motivation to polish it any further afterwards.

I will take all you have said into consideration and try to pack more excitement when making my next game.

Is the up and space together supposed to be super jump that we just figure out? If it wasn't for another comment I never would have gotten that. Still I'm stuck at the spikes and throwing the candle doesn't seem to do anything. Cool game but not rewarding.

Edit: Ok, got to the end. Yeah I guess super jump isn't intentional.

Woo! got out :D Interesting mechanics and appears to be VERY arbitrary on jump points, but entertaining nonetheless.

my short attention span can't handle the jumps. the torch throwing mechanism was pretty cool though; I had a little plan at the start to gather all the torches, but then that checkpoint torch erase got rid of them all lol

how do you get out???