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Reviews for "Ghost Motel 3"

It was good

This was another great movie from the series.The characters were still lacking the emotion.There's a point i need to point out,i reviewed the secong ep and i accidently mistaken it for the 3rd one so when your reading this you need to switch it with the review on the second movie.Apologies for the confusion!
1.The demon was really scary and the voice sounded muddled.
2.The girls voice was lacking emotion but a little emotion could be heard.
A good movie

Violet-AIM responds:

Okay, thanks for letting me know, so I won't be confused. Well we're not really actors, we just say our lines for the story and that's about it. But we do try later to improve a bit on that.

Once again, improvement

I noticed that this episode seemed to have a more comedy feel to it. Perhaps this wasn't how it was meant to be, but I found many things about it to be quite funny. Also the monotone problem I've mentioned before wasn't a problem here. My big complaint is with the ending. The girl gets possessed and them Bam! he's in a resturant. A transition scene would have made all that flow a lot more smoothly.

Violet-AIM responds:

Good suggestion, a transition scene sounds like a good idea. Thanks again for reviewing. Nice that you see the improvements Seizure_Dog.

Poor Joe

Stupid Demons! Why did they have to controll her body and turn her bad!

Violet-AIM responds:

Yeah, it's pretty sad. She probably shouldn't have been messing with the ouija board. Poor Joseph. Can't win 'em all. :P

excellent stuff.

this episode was far better than 1 or 2. it was improved on in many ways, and was far more interesting. Mainly because the plot expanded a whole lot more; we got to know why Joseph was a ghost, what he had to do to go to heaven, and how he would go about it. The 'town' scene was great, because it showed a lot about how the 'ghost' society worked.
Overall, the graphics have been improved on a lot since episode 1 and/or 2; they have more detail, and were basically just better made. (the transparancy effect on the ghost in the apartment was great!).
The sound was also greatly improved on. Although not as many songs were used in this one as opposed to number 2, the speach quality was greatly improved (which was much needed) and overall the sound had improved quite a lot.
So well done guys, on this Ghost Motel. It was great.
overall score: 7/10

Violet-AIM responds:

I agree that it was quite a change since in this episode they finally left the motel, to show that there was a whole other world (the ghost world) which they had to interact with. It's been awhile since I've seen this episode, so it's nice how you brought up a lot of good points about this episode to refresh my memory. With each episode, we try to improve on things. Both sound, art, and others. Some people still complain about voices, though others hear the improvement. Same with the art. Thanks again M-A-R-C-U-S.

Another good flim

I like how you added in a hint of humor (butt scene) in a kinda serious film thing. Number 3 is even better than 1 and 2! I was gonna wait till I’ve watch all the Ghost Motel submissions till i reviewed again but this one was pretty damn good and i couldn't resist. The story has really picked up to. I wonder though... why the heck he drinking something if he's a ghost! How would he pay for it if he doesn't get money from the job? Ghosts get free drinks? Damn that’s cool! If heaven has something better than unlimited free drinks (although that seems kinda impossible unless he's getting some weird health drink that tastes nasty or something, but why would he need a health drink if he's already dead? So it HAS to be tasty unless of course that not even his drink and he's still in the non-ghost world and is just happening to be sitting in front of somebody's drink!) I hope he makes it to heaven!

Violet-AIM responds:

I'm not really that fond of that butt scene, that was the first thing that came to mind when I was trying to think of something embarrassing for him to be thinking about, that he wouldn't want someone else to know what he was thinking about. In answer to your question, as a ghost, he lives in the spiritual world where they do eat and drink for pleasure. Like how they enjoy the taste of food and drink, but it's not for necessity/survival like humans do. Since there is no money, then I guess he doesn't pay for it. Maybe they live on a barter system, where they can exchange services or favors. But all ghosts work a job so they're all entitled to share in the goods. That's interesting how you'd point out something about drinking. I don't think anyone has really brought that up before, or not lately at least. Of coures, since this is a fictional story, I make the rules and it can break the rules of our reality, but there still is some kind of ghost logic that I try to maintain, just to keep the story straight. Thanks for the neat review funky_moose.