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Reviews for "Skater's Surprise!"


that had me laughing my ass off good job

glish responds:

YAY!! That's just what i like to see! Thanks soooo much for the nice score as well. I really appreciate it.

Why the low score?

Its a damn great movie and they made it too!!!

glish responds:

Thank you for your lovely review. I really appreciate it!

here goes

Thanks for voting, Joxa!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.21 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 2% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.31 votes!

The more experience points you have combined with BLAM and PROTECTION points, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 1.92!
If this movie is protected you will get a PROTECTION point!

its cool!

glish responds:

Thanx for the nice high score :0

Hahaha good job

hey great movie the animation was great and it was really funny i think the music was just allitle choppy.

glish responds:

Thank you :)

Yeah, the attainment of good sound continues to be my challenge, 'cause I try to keep my movie K down. But I love the feedback. Thanks for the nice score as well!

I absolutely did not expect what was going to happen!!!