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Reviews for "ZS Dead Detective - Roving Eyes"

Wow, This was actually a pretty simple episode, and completely unrelated to the story arc going on over every single other game, I mean zombino and cats get only one mention... and I think it's great.

*(Spoiler warning, seriously)*

(No really, I spoil a lot of things here. Like all of it.)

I think the new atmosphere is a breath of fresh air, and I think every series needs a break from the more serious stuff, otherwise it just becomes too much. This is a good setup, allows for complete freedom of the characters again, and the likable protagonists just continue to shine through when put in different scenarios.

Let's get bug stuff outta the way, I examined the employees rooms after correlating the clues of the three and four employees and the clue of four employee rooms became un-circled once again. The conclusion drawn from that clue was unaffected, and I still got full score at the end of the story, so eh. Other then that, I actually could not find any other bugs.

Gotta love that receptionist, actually had me giggling like a madman when he was on the phone with ghvnn, Starting to have a real problem with remembering names though.. But that's really my problem.

Lots of fun was had around here, some of it being pretty childish humor, but the polish definitely shows. Guests scattered about claiming to not know anything, actually watching the butler go through the halls was a nice touch, and of course all of the animation is just great.

I think I did see an elderly couple in the corner absent after the party blacked out, and that's actually kind of a plot hole considering the building is locked down...

Speaking of plot though, All of zombinos empire is gone?! Jeez, when did that happen? I know cough was arrested at the end of the last episode, but you're telling me he really did have that evidence that pinned him?
I just thought there would be more of a climatic finale with zombino face to face, but maybe there will be in the future, so I'll just keep quiet.

Difficulty on this one was pretty easy. I immediately tasted the punch and got the "salty" clue, and then you got the salt crystal in the bathroom... Yeahhh, that one's kind of a no brainer, in my opinion.
(And wait, how exactly did she get that from her eye to the bathr- whatever.)

I really got nothing to say about the visuals that hasn't already been said, i'm fairly sure you're aware that it's great stuff, and I love watching that opening.

Audiowise, music is good and fitting, but I don't know if my game bugged out a bit, or was there no "voice acting" in this one? Not like that's really the vital part, but I just noticed it was missing for me.

Overall, this one is pretty fun. Not the biggest one, but still another solid entry into the series that's self contained, and just gives us more of what we like. Ending is satisfying, and it's a nice little adventure.

P.S. I would laugh like hell if just once, clicking on something with the gun just made him pull it out and blow someone away, and then he turns to the player and says "Alright, now what?". Just a thought I had while fiddling around with items.

Muja responds:

Once again, thank you for your very detailed and nice review, I really enjoyed it a lot!
I'm happy you liked this story! I wanted to make something different from usual, to bring a fresh air just like you said, and I'm glad you think I succeded.

As for Zombino: he's been found out for the criminal lord he is, all his public enterprised have been shut down... but he's still at large, still a very powerful mobster, and still waiting for a final showdown with our Margh. The worst has yet to come...

Finally... one I didn't need to cheat on to come to correct answer lol. Did need help with the last clue I needed to find though.. don't know why I didn't think of "it". He better get something out of the results of the case... he's too lenient o;

Muja responds:

Glad you enjoyed the game! And yes, Margh is a very honest fellow - maybe even too much for his own good, as you might have seen in the previous episode. He's just a very good guy!

A delightful side story for our favorite undead detectives
Great to see more of the Zombie world and have a case that is a unrelated to the overall story arc, or is it?!?! Haha
An incredible chapter as always, cannot wait for the next one

Muja responds:

Thank you a lot for your very nice review, I'm very glad you're enjoying the game and the story!

well who here wants to buy a pair of fine leather jackets then ?

Muja responds:

I've heard the receptionist of Madame Bah's hotel might be interested..!

A lot of fun! Forces you to think logically and put theories to the test based on clues gathered. Although it's easier than most of the other chapters in the series, the story unfolded with a nice twist. I am *so* glad I don't have to be dead to play this game.

Only half a star missing because of a little bit of typos.

Muja responds:

Thank you for your nice review, I'm especially glad you liked the story!
(Sorry about the typos!)