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Reviews for "synjclock"

Dear lord...

A clock movie with fluid animation? holy shit, the world is gonna end. This is the highest I have ever rated on a clock movie. ya did good. Can't wait to see what else you can present to us.

{{ Seizure movies }}

That ruled! Can't wait for more of your movies. =)


Thanks for voting, _altr_!
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You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 3.57!
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If you would like a direct link to 'synjclock part 1', here it is: http://www.newgrounds.com/port al/view.php?id=70531

Beautifu ll, just plain sescky...

better than some

Well the graphics were better than alot of the clock crap, but im still not that big of a fan of these plotless pointless, humorless moives.

