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Reviews for "Xtrullor - Birth of the Sun"

Great, not amazing.

That orchestra is awesome, but not eargasmic. It lacks some of the energy and power to the melody that Event Horizon or Terran Era had. I would actually say that with the percussion you bring in around 2:45, it's very similar to the style of some of LunyAlex's older cinematic orchestral songs, just with a slightly more xtrullor-y feel. That slightly dubstep-y feel was one of the things I thought gave Terran Era and Event Horizon some of that power, but there was less of it in this song.

Moving on to the drops. The first one had some of the same problems I felt that Terran Era's so-called "drop" and Event Horizon's first drop had. They felt like "We interrupt your eargasm to bring you: Lazers. We now return to our regularly scheduled program." However, to this drop's credit, I will say it let in more of the orchestra than those other two I mentioned (especially EH). The main problem is that the lazers and the orchestra aren't really blended together. It's more like when you mix oil and water, you get bubbles of oil and bubbles of water, but they don't REALLY mix, you just have smaller pockets of them interspersed with each other. In the song it was a little orchestra, a few lazers, some more orchestra, then some more lazers. What I think of as the perfect blend of the two is something like Ichor or Soulstorm.
I hope that makes at least some sense.
As for the second drop, it was slightly better, but mostly the same.

And finally, is The Doctor mad that you stole his sonic screwdriver at 4:11 ;P?

I hope this helps. I really do think you make some of the best dubstep around, and your skill is unmatchable.

A pretty cool and well produced electronic track with all the neccesary bells n whistles that has a couple of parts (wub wub drops) in it that people 200 years from now will have no cultural reference point in the musical zeitgiest to fall back on that would even allow them process the song correctly or relate to in any enjoyable manner. (In stark contrast with something evergreen like the beatles or similar)

I guess in short i think its gimmicky. Not overtly, it just reverberates the same small collection of musical tropes that tons of artist do purposely like an echo chamber that, in my opinion is more like stamping their ideas with an innevitable obsolesence date of about 20 years when the associated music culture has moved on the next hip tropes and trends respectively.

With that being said, its not terrible. If this is your thing, you do it well. and im guessing it is, so ill rate it accordingly.

Cool! Fantastic mix with this one. You brought back that marimba or whatever (bells? IDK?) from Ichor, which was good. Unlike with Event Horizon, where the drop was too early, perhaps this one was too late... the song doesn't truly start until 1:00 in. The first drop itself felt like an afterthought too :-/ ... very short, nothing special. But all that instrumentation afterward (Until 3:58) Was beyond fantastic. And I liked the way you used the sonic screwdriver from Doctor Who for that first buildup ;). The second drop was better, but you really have to stop doing all that annoying *smak-smak-smak-smak* stuff next time. Seriously, it gets old after a while. And why TF was that drop also so short??
The ending was pretty disappointing too. I saw tons of potential here. It got caught up in everything else and basically lost. I hope you can find a way to mix this cinematic stuff better with actual electro elements next time, because you could literally remove the two 20-second long drops and the song would be better for it. Sad but true. I hope your next track is some sort of short little practice production or something, similar to Ego Death, so you can work on improving your electro skills and not spend all your energy on the melody. Then, once you've done that, you should revisit this track or Event Horizon and see what you could maybe do better in your next cinematic-step song.

Overall, my advice is to work on balance. I think you found last year that a very specific drop style seems to work fairly well and now you're afraid to try to branch back out. Unfortunately, you're kinda digging your own grave right now.

This is really kewl! As usual XD

This song is absolutely MIND BLOWING! This song is definitely better than Even Horizon, with the increased orchestral and buildup time. The sounds in the drop fit the song very well, and even the tiniest transition was something I heavily admired! Something I think you should work on is perfecting the drops, because I don't want to sound like a jerk, but to me it seems you've gotten a bit rusty on this one compared to your other orchestral dubstep songs like Ichor. I think you should work on making it fit with the song a bit more. A problem with some dubstep songs is that the drop comes out of absolutely nowhere, and that problem really bothers me. It seems like a small problem(it is dubstep after all), but to me it really changes the song. You seem to have taken care of that problem with this one, but it could be a bit better. Anyways, good work Xtrullor, this is by far one of my favorite songs by you! :]