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Reviews for "Sanstale"

Ok, I know a lot of people are saying that the first attack is way too hard but they're lying, at this point, there is no "get gud". For starters, if you go to the left or right, you instantly die, if you go on top of the blue knives and go a little bit down, you instantly die. You can't stay on top of the blue knives because of the orange knife (and I counted, it doesn't have a set time when it goes to attack, which means you can't memorize anything) and to make matters worse, the red knives are stopping you from being able to do anything, now you REALLY can't get to the right or left because if you do the red knives will get you, and they drop to fast for you to react, on TOP of the fact you can barely move anywhere. And going on top of the blue knife where the orange knife is a nightmare, cuz it goes too fast for you to react (plus like I said earlier, you don't know when it's going to react) I looked at the other playthroughs of this game and I don't remember this attack being the first attack (it was originally some heart locket) and know that I mention it, I don't remember this attack being here, to begin with, what happened? I really wish this attack wasn't in the game so it won't prevent people like me from playing the rest of the game (idk how much the game has changed and I guess I never will) could you bring back the heart locket, please?

it seems to control well but big problem.

unskipable death message and messed up control scheme.

like enter and the arrow keys are WAY to close to each other, space would be much better for comfortability with the arrow keys, or make movement WASD since controllers control with the left stick, not the right.

as for the game itself, it seems like it could be a fun challenge but getting back to even the first attack is hell because the drawn out death message and intro scene, sure it's only 5 seconds, but when you can die in one hit and the dodging is bullet hell esc in a tiny arena, you end up spending more time waiting to play the game than actually playing it.

i see the potential this game has, it's just takes so damn long to retry that i can't even get a chance to practice.

The first attack is bullshit

I don't understand a thing that goes on the screen.

i lost intrest in this game but left a review saying that nice try meybe next time you'll do something better good luck