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Reviews for "Ghost Motel 1"

that made me jump!

Ahh the first Ghost Motel, great to see where it all began in this great series!
The introduction was good as soon as Joseph entered the Motel and there was a view of the skeleton face picture I knew 'wow this is going to be a good series!'. It had an eerie feel especially the music but ive noticed the voices wernt very good because they all sound expresionless and unenthusiastic, but i guess thats what you were trying to do to make that ghost feel :) But the sobbing nosie just sounds a bit bad it sounds more like someone laughing than sounding upset and you gave me a god fright there with the face!. Overall though a great start to the series, well done :)

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Violet-AIM responds:

That sobbing sound, I had gotten off a scary sound fx cd. It was what I had at the time, I'm sure there are better sounds to use. Nice of you to have such optimistic hope of this series, even at just the 1st episode. There wasn't that much to the 1st episode, but it was the start of it all. And from here on, you can see things gradually improve, as we get more practice doing these. Thanks for the review Tiger_Chick.

Enjoyable, almost a game!

It was a lot of fun to play/watch this movie. I thought the only flaw was the sound, which was seriously lacking. The music was pretty good (written by Violet-AIM), but at a couple times the different tracks didn't really fit (it sounded like some of the instruments in the band we're off-beat). Worse was the dialogue. XwaynecoltX needs to back off the microphone! Other than that, I loved this piece, and I can't wait to see all the others! I actually thought it was funny how none of the choices I made actually influenced anything in the movie; I guess that's just how life is...

By the way, Violet-AIM and xwaynecoltx are two of the most prolific reviewers on NG. As such, I thought their flash work might be something like Roger Ebert's movies (which are notoriously awful). This was a pleaseant surprise!

Violet-AIM responds:

Well, our choices are supposed to make a difference, but if you believe that God exists, then you can also believe that some things are predestined, like fate. If this whole life is like a big play, with us as the actors who are acting out what we were meant to do, and God being the director who knows everything that has happened and will happen. But we are blind to the future, while he already knows the names of those who will be ... ok, maybe I'm getting too off topic. XwaynecoltX is a bigger reviewer than me. Lately, I don't seem to have much time for reviewing, and with my spare time, I'd rather be creating flash, than reviewing flash.

I had no problem at all

Well I saw someone work and they helped you with a couple later esp. I didn't feel it would fair just to watch and rate thos with out coming back and going through the wholse series.
I had no problem watching the movie. I thouight you did a good job with the graphics. The movement of the chracter was smooth and the test went by at a good pace. Overall I thought you did a real good job with this. I am going to go see all of these.

Violet-AIM responds:

That's fair of you to do that, to go thru all the episodes. It helps to understand the story better, and especially the later episodes, if you knew all that happened before it. Thanks for all the reviews ramagi! :)


This is a really fun game, and I noticed you have a shit load of them.

This is a really nice concept, though the sound at the start of it was kinda fuzzy.

The evil dead face didn't scare me though, since i have seen so many of those, it was simply too predictable.

Nice job though!

Violet-AIM responds:

In this episode, we were very new to doing voices and with editing them, so they did come out a bit scratchy, but they got better by ep.3 I think. Thanks again for reviewing jOObie.


That Was a cool little game, I like the main song

Violet-AIM responds:

Thanks Sakura_1988. Glad you liked my song, "ghost motel theme". I like to use my own songs in the ghost motel episodes. :)