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Reviews for "Agree to Agree"

There are extremists for every side, this is why politics are taken to the internet at this point, it's possible to actually get a word out. On the other hand: The internet is probably part of the reason it's like this in the first place.

The idea behind the game is nice, and I mostly like how it's done (even if the angry music is maybe TOO catchy...), but I'm not sure about the tone behind the "left-wing" answers.
Like, when you give the "right-wing" answers, he shifts into an angry SJW and it really sounds like the sort of agrument you can get in with an extremist, but when you go leftist, the "lmao I bet you're liberal"... it seems more like he's a troll who doesn't even believe what he's saying. Maybe you should have gone with answers like "Are you anti-american" "muslim invasion" "fucking traitor" "I hope thos aliens rape you"...
Still a very fun game.

Not bad! I enjoyed this little game. It encapsulated the current political climate and the hostility everyone is expressing towards those they disagree with. I do wish the different choices resulted in different outcomes. Maybe that would have sent the wrong message, though? You know what... It's probably best the way it is. Nice work!

Very accurate. I think the point was just further proved by some of the comments that just condemn the other side.

JackAstral responds:


Pretty good game not bad