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Reviews for "Father Christmas"

Great! ...but to short.

Well, the movie started out grrreat!
Nice wusic and cuddly cute characters, I really got a feeling of christmas.
But... what the hell?!
ONE image of evil santa?
The kid runs away and that's it?
I wanted a longer movie with much more violence!

I know it's hard to make a longer movie; im a flash artist myself, but I also know that if ou work for really long it WILL be better than if you work as much as you (think) you can and that's it.

No shortcuts.

Great movie though, I really wanna see a longer one later.

Damn good.

Good job showing the dark uncaring evil side of Santa, The Santa made by big business to get people to spend money, helping the fat cats get fatter.

However that aside, I still like Santa, not the cold business Santa, but the Santa that you think of as a little kid.

Also if you didn't mean for the underline story to be of the cold big business Santa but the fact that Santa is Satan just mixed around, that saint nick is another word for Santa and old nick is another word for Satan, that both Santa and Satan are thought of in red.
Then good job, just as long as your joking.



if you see this, watch this movie. all i can say at the end was "what the bloody hell" fuckin funny.


The animation was awesome, the music choice was superb, the underlying story is a little hard to get, but it's good. Really, I just think it should have been longer. You could have had more characters and symbolism to make it longer, but not everyone would like that. Still, very VERY good, a winner is you!

That was it?!

2.3 MB of waiting (56k modem, people) and this is all there is? It looked good and all that, but I was hoping it would be longer. The "hopping" sound effects, I felt, were not necessary.

thegreatmoleman responds:

ok, point taken about the hopping effect thing. The reason it was such a big file is that the quality on everything was put at it's highest as it wasn't originally intended for the web. Sorry about that, the SEQUEL will be much smaller as it's going to be made especially for the web.