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Reviews for "TANK 3030"

The game, actually, it's pretty good! I like the idea, the retro look and the controls are good! But, the blocks that defend the eagle-thingy should be a little bit more powerful, also a tutorial level would be great!

Jaymer responds:

Thanks a lot!
A small defence makes you pay more attention to what the enemy is doing. :) However, there's a power-up that can fortify the Eagle for a few seconds.
There's also a hidden level that allows you to test all features available but I can't call it a real tutorial. I'll think of adding a small one. :)

It controls well and is very smooth.

Jaymer responds:

Thanks a lot! :D

Good game play, but the AI could use some work. They seem to just go in random directions instead of trying to attack your eagle.

Jaymer responds:

Thanks! :)
You are partly right!
The enemy changes direction almost each time they hit something (like a wall, water or other enemy). They don't go right away for your Eagle. With enough "luck" they'll make it to get close to the Eagle.

However, I have added an option to switch from this to a bit more "advanced" AI. The advanced one makes them change their direction on random moment and allows to lock-on on the Player or Eagle, making them aim for those targets.
You can change it in the Options available from Main Menu.

But I agree, the 2nd AI option could be polished a bit. ;)

I really enjoyed this game, it was challenging! I don't know if this was your intention but trying to find the powerups can be a bit difficult, their appearance is subtle and doesn't draw your attention. Also trying to move through a gap can prove difficult sometimes since I always seem to get stuck on one of the edges of the block adjacent to the gap. So maybe make the tank a bit smaller. The focus I had to put while playing was great, also. I love it when I have to try.

Jaymer responds:

I'm glad you enjoyed my game! :)

Yes, I'm afraid they may be hard to see in some places. I'll try to make their outline color more visible.

When it comes to getting stuck on the edges, I'm afraid fixing this would require too much effort. I've tried a few things in Stencyl before deciding to leave it, but it turned out to be the best option at that time.
Making tank's collision box smaller would result in bigger parts of tank visible on tiles, and thus looking a bit bad. ;)

Thanks for your feedback! :)

I loved the remake, Tank 1990 was a game that made my childhood, it was great playing with friends as Player 2 as a challenge (because the same has less lives than the Player 1).
The only thing I think you could work more is the music, man... it hurt my ears xD
Also I found the key to the secret level ;)
The problem is that my flash player is screwed up, and games made in AS3 are toggling the keys, I press it one time and it will be pressing repeatedly ¬¬' (for some reason only the Virtual Keyboard can un-toggle the keys by clicking on them with the mouse).

Jaymer responds:

Thanks a lot!
I loved that game when I was a child. :D

Eheeh, sorry for the music! Luckily I made it possible to turn it off in the Options. ;)
I don't create too much music but who knows, perhaps one day I can come up with some better tracks!

Congrats on finding the secret key! ;)

Hmm, okay! I'll try to upload the HTML5 version and hope it works! :D

Thanks a lot for your feedback! :D