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Reviews for "The Suicide Cult"

Small red text on a black background. By the time I finished reading the intro text my eyes were bleeding. :D
Once you get the pattern (find the winning guy and move two spots clockwise next round) it kinda stops to be satysfying. Could use a fast-forward button, or just speeding things up depending on how many cultists are on the screen, because I got to level 27 and it took those guys forever to kill each other. It was still amusing watching the bloodbath tho. :D

Namlich responds:

Haha, I see what you mean with the text. If you quickly find the pattern, you can try the hard mode :) It seems a lot of people do not see that there is a hard mode, did you miss or just didn't play it?

I could definitely make a speed up, that's a good idea. Thanks for the feedback!

Fun game. On hard mode, is the pattern supposed to shift between lives the way it does? You start with one option, then you notice they don't always follow the clockwise pattern, so you pick another option on restart, but then the pattern's changed from what it just was, and then you can go back to your first option and they follow the basic clockwise pattern.

Namlich responds:

In the hard mode, you got to notice the color of their shirts. The guys with purple and orange colors behave differently than the "normal" guys, and will change position every time you die/win, and therefor the pattern changes. Thank you very much for the rating and the comment :)

Honestly... It's not bad at all for a game made in 48 hours :)

I especially like the hard mode with the colored T-shirts which tell you which way will go the bullet.
I'm only dissapointed for two petty things: The fact that this game is not really darker than that (I'd prefer to be in a glaucous cave rather than being in a green plain under a broad daylight). And the second thing is... It's cool there's a way to continue this game, but I would like to have a real ending. I don't know, maybe... The end of the ritual, with a demon appearing and eating the finalist, or something like that...

Anyway, keep on going like that ;)

PS: Sorry for my English if there are some mistakes, I'm French.

Namlich responds:

Thank you! I see your point with the environment. We thought it was kind of fun if it was on grass in daylight, as it contrast to the actual violence going on and the blood slowly covering the plane. Perhaps it would have been better with a darker environment!

A better ending could definitely help this game! In general, we need to get better at making endings in our games.. We often put all the focus on the gameplay, and then we have no time for the ending, and we end up just making some text: "You won".... And thats really boring.. We will improve this in our future games.

Very glad you took your time to give some valuable feedback. No need to say sorry, im Danish, so im no expert in english either haha.

Hard mode for those who don't get it:
Brown kills 2nd in line (so if 1 -> 3) and purple kills the one who killed the last (so if 3 -> 1).

It's a good game, not sure what else to say. I put it in my favorites