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Reviews for "(Anyone But) GW"

Not bad

I hate Bush; he's a terrible prez. But I can't say this movie is that great.

Calm down bitches

Shit, you guys need to calm down. Newgrounds isn't a place for debates, do that on your own fucking space.
They're right though. This really did suck. GW is just a guy doing his job. I think he's pretty good, and I'm a hardcore liberal. Some of his policies are fucked up, but you try running the damn country. Someone's always going to be pissed off, the Amish, Jews, Rich, Poor, Mexicans, Damn Asians, whatever. Leave the guy alone.
Potatopopper, you're just white trash who has a lot of problems and wants to sound like a liberal badass.

TheYellowDart315 Is a fuckass

What do you know about phsychology yellowdart? I know a lot because I almost killed my parents and people at my school because of assholes like you. People like you don't value human life either to talk about another individual and say they world is better off without them just because they did something like murder when the people around them like you tell them to tough out their problems. Well, I got a news flash for you, if you cared so much and were so righteous, you would help people with problems before they need to result to things like violence, and/or homocide or suicide. You need to revaluate you morals as does all of America. Justice should not be a tool for revenge, as it is in the America which is supposed to be such a good, righteous country. No wonder the foreign countries hate us. We're a country of ego-pumped dickheads where just because we have power, we think we can own the world with our will. Bahh, I hope someday you become a real human being

Hmmm.. sarcasm has not gotten through

Jesus Christ... you are a very close-minded liberal. The guy was making fun of the fact that Bush actually does have those ideals about gays being wrong and the death penalty being good and whatnot.... don't take things so friggin' seriously. Sometimes I hate you fuckin' liberals as much as I do the conservatives.... lighten up..

Screw you you homophobic, war mongering prick

alright man, you like the death penalty so much?? YOU flip the switch then. or maybe its more likely you love the idea of capitol punishment as long as you dont have to do the dirty work? innocent people die every year via your blameful "justice" system, and as to your comments about "lets give some back" who did you kill in the war in iraq?? you didnt get hussein. ooh wow you got his sons. what did they do?? they are EASILY REPLACABLE MEMBERS OF HIS GOVERNMENT. your country had no reason to attack... oh no wait maybe you did... hussein tried to kill bush senior and attempted to gain nuclear weaponry... TEN YEARS AGO.
the war was an excuse to pull the nations attention away from the poorly executed op enduring freedom, and few people were fooled.
and as for your undying loyalty to your president, go marry the fucker. I myself am catholic but that does not mean i have to beleive that any form of alternative lifestyle is a deadly sin.
i believe that a true god would be able to forgive his children their disbelief, as jesus forgave thomas his disbelief. insecure pricks like you make me sick and give anyone who believes in a greater power a bad name.