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Reviews for "Trump Vs. Clinton: Total Annihilation"

Trump totally won ! Made me laugh so much ^^

To be honest, I don't like either of the fuck nuts.
So I'm not voting for either of them, lmao. OK video though. :D

Yoi owe me a new set of speakers. And fuck Jimmy Faggon.

Pandemoniac responds:

Let me tell you, I make the loudest movies, ok? Nobody makes louder movies than me, believe me. Just look at the audio levels of ANY other movie on Newgrounds.. in the green, in the yellow. Pathetic. Disgraceful. My movies? ALL RED, all the time, that I can tell you

nothing new

I'm a simple man, I see political stuff near elections, I vote 0/0 :)

Let me explain why (those not interested, please scroll down to the next review):

(Caps-for-emphasis alert!)

Time is a valuable resource for a campaign, maybe even more than money (because money is kind of "unlimited" for them, but time, no man can really control). Political toons "give" time to political campaigns, as in, people will see this or that politician during more time before voting. Which is not a problem, if they wish.

"Well, they wish it. You did click the link to come there, didn't you" Agreed - but that was on top of the page for some time now. Think about an outdoor. You don't really "have" to look at it, right? And I suppose you do see it now and then, and that gives visibility to whoever paid that advert, right?

So where's the point? Why do I always rate political stuff as low as I can, being moderately proud of it?

Because this material is made by someone :) Someone that has this or that political orientation and/or position. And that means that this person will mostly portray their opinions better than the opinions of any opposition. And that means that any show/charge/toon/parody CAN and, in fact, WILL influence voters. I'm too old to believe that there's someone who is, in fact, impartial in this world/universe.

As bad as that is, it gets worse. Politicians KNOW this. That's why they buy medias :P If they can to that, they sure can "buy" a programmer or two... or a hundred, just to make'n'up flash games that help them out, even a tiny bit, or diss a rival (which also help them out). So it opens a new area/niche for games, not focused on the experience of the user, not focused on the story that someone wishes to transmit, but one that focus on political promotion.

Frankly, this is disgusting and I see no reason to give this any credit. This is a total disrespect (from my POV) to an audience.

Worst part is that I don't even live in the USA. Never went there. No green card, lol. I live in Brazil. And this (political propaganda disguise as Art - any form of art) is a plague here. Before the impeachment last month, we had 13 years of corrupto-plutocracy from a socialist party. They payed millions of taxpayers money to:
- Artists
- MPB singers (MPB is a highly valued musical style in Brazil, cultural stuff)
- Bloggers
- "Alternative" media (they are 100% supported by federal "incentives")
- Facebook pages (idem, but they are a LOT more prolific. There's HUNDREDS of them, sharing each other's statuses non'stop)
- MAVs (portuguese acronymn for Mobilization on Virtual Ambients - It's a brazilian "fifty cent brigade" that trolls on the brazilian internet 24/7)

And possibly much more. And all our money was given to them, with only one purpose: SPEAK WELL OF BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT AND PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores - the brazilian worker's party). They did so EVERY-F*CKIN-WHERE: Music, TV Shows, Clips, Marketing ploys, National Movies (Did you guys see that "Aquarius" actors on cannes? Look it up on google. YEAH, THAT WAS PAID TOO), Cartoons, etc, etc etc. Kids grew up those 13+ years being totally manipulated by ART to support a socialist and corrupt government mode. Even our education is uberbiased (over than 90% of public school teachers are registered on PT or allied parties - Brazil is a multy-party system)


So that's why I always downvote political flash to the ground. I don't see any fun in it, given the dirty background. I really do not intend to accuse the author of making this to support any politician but I have seen enough for a decade. I do not support this at all and I make that clear everytime I see it.

I do comprehend the author is free to do as he/she wishes, though. This review is not intended to make you (author) to feel bad. I'm rating the flash, not you. You do have talent, I just don't agree with the theme. Don't take this as a personal attack.