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Reviews for "Battle for the Galaxy"

Formulaic and underwhelming; the Pt-BR translation seems very artificial... it's one of those games you feel you have already played from the get go, you know? Anyways, maybe it's just me, so see for yourselves.

AMT-Games responds:

I do understand what you mean, but Quake being similar to Doom still was fun. We believe our game becomes more interesting as you level up and discover a diversity in attacking tactics and building the base, while a tutorial and first levels might seem boring and too long for an experienced RTS player.

As to translations, we know we have mistakes, but we keep on developing the game, thanks to monetization and it gets better, so as for translations too.

Some noticable gameplay changes will be added in the end of September, that will add up more ways to play.

cool enough game but its just a clash of clans knock off looken for even more money mind you i love clash of clans and i enjoy thease game (thus why i gave it 2 stars rather than 1) gatta say kinda confused as to why a phone game showed up here

AMT-Games responds:

Hi Theman,

Thanks for giving a wide review. The game is indeed available on appstore and playmarket, however for our players we added ability to play in browser. You can merge accounts using feature in settings, so you don't have to start from beginning on different devices.

At first I thought this was going to be an scifi-rts where you would conquer planets and gather resources to build up base and to train more troops in order to beat the game. Which is indeed not very far. However this turned out to be another copy of clash-genre. I have to say Im kinda disappointed but hey maybe somebody else will like this and enjoy? This is just definitely not my thing. 2.5/5 cuz graphics and gameplay seemed smooth. Peace.

AMT-Games responds:

Hi Funkymusic, thanks for sharing your thoughts, game indeed has it's fans (around 50000 daily users cross-platform), so we are not going to change gameplay completely, however some features might be added in the upcoming version.

first of all, the graphics look astonishing, and all the mechanics work. But all of that doesn't matter much because this game is so generic you'd be better of playing another kind of clash of clans game.
you try to build-up a new and interesting alien-like world to explore and to build on, but tasks are handed so quick that there is no time to invest in the environment, not to mention that there is no pacing in the introduction, making it even more dull. this means that all the environments becomes bland and uninteresting because the game focuses more on the buildings and the missions rather than the environment. you advertised on a new world, but there is no backstory, no interesting characters and barely any development in anything. I know i'm ranting a lot on the environment, but that's the only thing that can save you from a game that has nothing new to show. and speaking of a alien-like environment, it is something that has been done so much before it's honestly boring at this point (examples are: galaxy life, Dragon City and Path of War).
and the worst part is that there's nothing new here. If there is some special gimmick i'm not aware of, please explain to me how this is new and interesting compared to the hundreds of other C of C rip-off games. everything I see here, has been done before (and better).

and now, lets get the elephant out of the room and talk about the micro transaction. sure you don't HAVE to pay, but it's the only way to keep the gameplay quick like in the beginning (like you want it). basically putting you in a situation were you are almost required to pay to have a fast-paced game. I can see trough your dirty tricks AMT-games.
games like these don't belong on Newgrounds. This is a site were people make flash games to give other players a good time. And you try to give us a good time by letting us pay money (I already explained why, so don't deny it).
that's low.
please go back to Facebook with money grabbing games like these.

AMT-Games responds:

Hello Willem Bernasco,

Thanks for a really detailed review. We understand the lack of story line, however as the graphics are excellent and gameplay goes smooth, we also want a story line to be of a high quality.

When we come to a quality story concept we might add it in a future version of the game. But at now releasing poor story, just to have it is not our goal.

As to situations you mentioned "where we force people to pay". Actually we can't make it the same as on mobile (where you speed up things but watching adverts, without paying), but we will find a different solution.

As to gameplay feature - there is a duel available where you compete in destroying a base with another player and you both have equal army and can watch each others replay after competition.

We will do better, thanks for contributing the ideas!

Eh, I enjoyed it and how in depth it was until I realized it was just a carefully concealed cash grab. Still alright, I guess, though confusing as all hell.