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Reviews for "The Disgust Collab"

hi there

MobileSpider responds:

lol hellooo

Alright, as a film critic, I'm gonna go enter in a review while I watch, and mostly I'll just be saying comments I said out loud at certain time frames.

2:00-"What the fuck am I watching?"
3:09-"Is that legitimate? Did he not see the movie?"
3:19-"Seriously, what the fuck am I watching?"
3:39-"What the actual fuck am I watching?!" Note that most of my head movements were shaking in disappointment.
3:56-"Ok what the fuck does this even have to do with Disgust?"
At 4:37 I finally had to ask not what I was watching, but why i was watching it in the first place.
5:45-6:10-"Ok, this is probably the least worst of them all, not that bad actually... compared to the rest I've seen."
6:13-"Ok back to the shit fest."
6:37-"I have to ask just why... why the fuck would this happen... and why does the voice acting have to suck so hard?!"
6:48-"I must really want to hate myself if I'm still watching this."
7:10-"Ok that's just fucked up, can't wait to see how it goes DOWN from here!"
7:23-"That's how"
8:06-"Well that piercing noise sounds great, plus it just makes me want to blow my brains out... bonus."
9:13-"I've lost all hope."
9:27-"WHAT THE FUCK!!!"
9:38-"This is the worst so far just because I can feel my intelligence fading away looking at... whatever this is."
10:02-[Frustrated deep breath in, and frustrated deep breath out]
10:09-[Face palms and takes a moment to let the frustration and weirdness out]
10:24-"How tame."
11:08-"Gotta wonder how people come up with this shit."
11:21-"How is this only rated M?"
12:30-"This is a fucking endurance round."
13:18-"I'm gonna go get some water, and ibuprofen before continuing this." Note I actually did have to get ibuprofen, not only because of this, but because I've had a raging headache all week. (Not that this did not help that)
14:02-"Gotta make a prediction... murder and masturbation."
14:24-"...this looks... damn this is not bad so far... there's gotta be a catch..."
14:59-[Chuckles heartily]"Ha, called it, she was gonna masturbate."
15:28-"Omg only 8 minutes left."
15:29-"There's already been pedophilia, I can't expect this to actually go well."
15:42-"Well it was just as dumb as if there had been pedophilia."
16:47-"Is this supposed to be funny?"
17:26-"I know who Amused Nacho is, so I expected something good. I should have known better."
18:31-"I know Joy was kind of the show stealer of the film, but... does she always have to be mutilated?"
19:08-"I'm done."

So I only laughed because of my own prediction, and most of the time it was me shaking my head in disappointment wondering what kind of fucked up people come up with this kind of shit. You only get half a star because one short did not make me want to claw my eyes out. Seriously though, why did you guys do this? what was the point? I mean I don't understand how a person's mind can get so fucked up to make such an appalling, abysmal piece of trash. I feel like most of them have nothing to do with disgust, and the ones that do, she's retarded, horny, or a sociopath. I'm probably going on about nothing, as the intention was to make a piece of crap. But if you were going for something that so "So bad it's good" kind of crap, then you failed miserably.

MobileSpider responds:


um, this should be an A rating because theres porn in it. (P.S. its at 7:41 ;) )

MobileSpider responds:

It make you cum?

Quite a bit of these tried to be really edgy.

MobileSpider responds:

I guess its only "edgy" if you have a line to cross which we don't

Didnt enjoy, poorly made. Humor wasn't dunny either.

MobileSpider responds:

It may not have been dunny enough for you, but DISGUST IS FUCKING HOT