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Reviews for "Super Dangerous Dungeons"

Loved this game. Hope to see more from this dev!

Ok, that was refreshing. The character moves very well, the jumps are nicely done and the challenge ramps up just fine. I especially liked the fact that you didn't put any floating messages of the sort "press this to do that" or etc. Your tutorial levels were well integrated is what I'm saying. Generally, the game is nothing ground-breaking, but is a very solid display of good game design and I liked it very much.

I do have some suggestions though, if you want them. For one - the story is... well... let's say we're not here for the story. Still, one thing that could improve its feel is knowing from the start what you're going after and how far it is. It may clash a bit with the "adventure" aspect, but when a player knows the aspirations of the avatar, he can relate and get more invested in his timely arrival. This includes a level progress bar (or map, or whatever) too. Perhaps even a foe you know you can (and probably will) encounter in those dungeons.

Overall, you did well with conveying what could be walked through and what could not. Overall. It can be improved by maybe not drastically switching the sprite through the game. There are tons of different column designs.. just saying.

The water was the first place I got a bit annoyed. It was about as tall as the character - how the hell did he vanish in it? I honestly thought he'd walk on the bottom. Lava I understand. Some green or brown goo - we're getting from a territory of "shouldn't" to "don't want to drop in that". But water?

The last thing I want to mention is the respawn. It's a level-based game, respawning on every level is generally a good idea. But once you get comfortable with the controls, some levels fall between two very peculiar lines - the one that you don't want to die and the one that you don't want to waste time. For most levels I found myself running in over and over and over into practically the same death, when it could easily be prevented by just waiting a few seconds, getting my bearings. You could say that's my problem and you'd be right, but in the end I did pull through the level - by running headfirst and getting that perfect run. Where am I going with this? The game is built like a sixth of a mario level, but the respawn is like Super Meat Boy. In SMB, it's required, because it's freaking hard even if you do and stop to think, but here - the levels are simple enough and the controls are tighter, you can get away with putting a checkpoint or two for each dungeon, until the later levels. This would put more weight on the death, a bit more frustration and in my opinion - more fun.

Actually, as I'm writing this I realize that the game is still running and I failed to mention the ambient music and graphics of the game. Both of those are superb and I know - that's a very hard thing to do. Nicely done.

Overall, this was one very pleasant experience. Keep going.

cool game!

Good improvement over the original. Controls much more smoothly, and I like that the final stage has been extended to a full dungeon now.

I dont know much of the process that goes into making these kinds of games but this one is a lot of fun, visually appealing and the sounds effects/music go well together