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Reviews for "Welcome to Winkletown"

Very well done! I loved the concept of the game as well as the way you developed it. It is indeed a bit frustrating at the begining, but I don't see this as a problem. Real life detectives and police officers have to deal with A TON of frustration during investigations, and even more frustration sometimes in the Courtsof Justice. In this job, the devil is in the details.

The only thing I would add is a way to check out the people that you are sure are innocent, so the player can better focus the analysis on the remaining suspects - specially when you need to keep checking in multiple places.


More AP points definitely needed. You don't have to eliminate them, but there are certainly too few currently, especially if, as the game claims, it affects how many points you get for the next case.

And yes, I am paying attention to the clues (your response to FuryOfFirestorm), and I do get what you're Trying to go for with the descriptions. But a couple more AP points are still needed.

I like the concept and the art design, but the limited amount of times you can question anyone is what hampers this game. Since when is a detective only allowed to question 2 out of several witnesses and suspects? Once you use them up, then you're basically left with vague clues and have to resort to guessing. Even worse, after I completed the first case, my next case had almost a dozen people to question, and only one AP to question a single person!

I'd recommend either giving the player more AP from the start, or just doing away with them in the first place and let the challenge of the game come from using logic and reason to sort out the clues and find the culprit.

Chaz responds:

They'd be no point in having unlimited questioning. It would be laid out in front of you and takes the detective element out of it. You have to be frugal with the questioning and really pay attention to the clues. Once you start understanding what some of the descriptions entail, you can go through the cases using barely any AP.

I LOVE this game!