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Reviews for "Fantastic Plastic"

That was quite the story there.

Very surreal and imaginative.

I love your movements, the expressions while exaggerated are very beautiful and the movements are smooth and fluid. Especially the man when he runs away from the little girl. You should definitely keep animating man. You really got it made for you as the animation is beautiful.

Even the story itself is extremely weird and just something I didn't even expect. This is actually a good thing honestly. Keep it up, man.

Talk about taking Kafka and tossing a whole lot of Hyperbole into the mix. This was very different and unique in its own ways. I am not going to break this down because this is such a complex piece on so many levels.
I docked a half star because there was I felt (AND THIS IS PERSONAL OPINION AND NOT ME BEING A PICKY DICK!) there was a lack of back story in the dog's owner, there was too much focus on the dog, and also the man turning into a pig... that was WAY out of the blue. I would have liked some kind of primer sort of like a warning something was going to happen to him like as he ate he seen images in a hallucination as he ate of him morphing into a pig because of the surgery the doctor did to him and the doctor turning into the devil or something to that effect. YES It is best to take a cautious approach when doing animation so you do not have a great idea turn into ah huge waste of time. Also audiences can be kind of hard to please. Most people cannot process a lot of detail. But there is something about a joke understated...
I did NOT dock a full star because you had a lot to keep a handle on. There was a lot of Metaphor that was hidden within the story besides what was blatantly put in our faces. You did manage to maintain a story line even with what I felt was omissions or missing content. What it lacked in detail and wind up it made up for in keeping track of what amounted to a very chaotic twisted up series of events.
The use of characters was very good. That was also what kept me from docking a full star. You did loose it after the singer lost his nose and woke up in the surgeon's office. You didn't capitalize on the singer's pig like appearance before he "pigged out," which actually was a nice double joke. It was not enough to cancel out the lack of taking advantage of building to another joke but it DID fit the way it came off.

Ya know I do understand the sheer amount of work it takes to make animation and also there is this thing called deadlines. Overall this was entertaining and likewise complicated in ways I actually was kind of impressed with in the subtlety and lack of it.

Conceptually this was a GREAT way of screwing with stardom. A singing nose was about as over the top as the Nose Flute in animation of old (The Mouse and the Monster, The Nose Flute was a recurring joke).

While weird and tripped out, somewhat surreal and operating on bent logic it was not Frenetic or Ren and Stimpy Screaming Eye Popping gags. Honestly this was more like English Ren and Stimpy. Far more refined but still using screaming and something similar to eye popping.

Also there was the expected exaggerations in motion (like the fans throwing themselves at the nose and getting kung fued all over the place, the dog going ballistic for nose, the nose itself singing) adding to the slightly outlandish and kind of cartoony feel to this animation.

This was NOT Avaunt Guarde in any way shape and form. While the story may have been the animation itself was more "Classic Loony Tunes" in execution and "Nickelodean" in execution.

I have to admit this was a piece to watch. It makes such good light of the plight of a big nose that winds up having all only to become.. drum roll... a pig nose.

4.5 stars. Close to a 5 if you just would have hit a couple of the weak spots in the story better. This was a longer piece too so I did add Star Power on that ground too.

Nice work LevPo and RobLovelett. Wow, say RobLovelett five times fast. I dare you!

That was insanely well done. I mean... I have no idea what the fuck I just watched... But good job. Animation, sound/voice and timing were all great. The story was stupid as hell... I don't mean that in a bad way.

What a transformation! I thought for sure it'd be just a bad dream; a morality lesson he'd wake up from at the end... or that the cycle would repeat itself, but this time he'd be the dog/pig. Well, it didn't turn out how I expected, but nice twist nevertheless! Refreshingly unexpectable idea; smoothly animated. Great work.
