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Reviews for "Kool Kat vs IHE"

That was crazy! I liked it. Loved the increasing cat-ness of Cool Cat (as well as the monstrous moments), kind of hoped for a "don't piss off large carnivores just because they wear a shirt" message, but the dude was cool in his own way too, the eyebrow thing was fun.

Well done!

Well, this is the best piece of artwork I've seen coming out of this "Cunt Cat Sues the Vids" controversy.

I like how IHE eyebrows just got bigger and bigger

All this cool cat internet drama has generated a ridiculous level of free publicity for an otherwise obscure movie.

A large number of movies released to public will usually fall under the category of obscure.

Only a small number of movies will be lucky enough to avoid obscurity.

The market place for movies is generally not a level playing field since the entertainment industry intentionally does things to keep competition out.

I used to be able to call my local movie theater and could potentially rent a screen for my own movie.

I actually called the movie theaters corporate office and ask them about renting screens for any potential film created by me.

That same theater later changed owners and it is no longer possible for me to rent any screen.

The movie theater under a new owner does not have an easy to find phone number for small companies.

Most theaters and stores in Nova Scotia will stock your movie if it has been rated by the alcohol and gaming authority.

I've also called the alcohol and gaming authority to ask them questions about their movie ratings.

They were surprisingly polite and actually introduced themselves to me by name.

The rater on the phone was very helpful.

I don't have any story's about actually releasing a movie to public in real life but still learned a lot by making phone calls to theater owners and the local ratings agency.

The extra difficulty of reaching the public from all directions can easily be bypassed by offering your movie to the internet.

Coolcat DVD's were sold to members of the public directly from the internet.

Derek Savage managed to avoid the extra difficulty from having to call video stores, theater owners and any local ratings agency.

Derek Savage is very lucky to be able to reach the public and sale some Cool cat DVD's.

The bad reviews have actually taken an otherwise unwatched internet DVD out of obscurity.

Derek Savage should be thanking IHE for all of this free publicity.

Derek Savage would have otherwise need to spend a ridiculous sum of money on advertising to generate a fraction of that publicity.

I would have never even heard of cool cat without IHE's review.

This movie has a nice usage of color and I like shadows applied to the characters.

The overall drawings look excellent especially considering how quickly it was made.

All of this cool cat internet drama is still very much new.

I like the voice acting in this submission and each character has it's own distinct voice.

IHE could have voiced both himself and Cool cat.

IHE does a hilarious impression of Cool cat and only one voice actor would have been needed for this submission.

Normally, I would recommend using only one actor per character for cartoons but since IHE can also do a funny cool cat impression; An exception for the one actor per voice can be made.

This was an overall enjoyable movie and tried my best to offer my own overall point of view.

I look forward to seeing your other cartoons.

- Mightydein

This video is evil from looking at its id.