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Reviews for "MORSE"

I don't know why everyone is complaining about there being no instructions, I just started doing what i could and it should be really easy to understand.
Really great concept for this game but very unbalanced as of right now. At the beginning you have 1 or 2 rows, where literally no enemy is in sight and then suddenly your men burst the enemy lines and suddenly you have like 20 enemy ships at once to deal with, trying to learn how to type in numbers and then the corresponding letters. I just won the game because my army has advanced far enough already to win without dealing with those ships and enemies at all.
My suggestions are that you either make everything slower, so you can actually kill off every enemy 1 by 1 or you create some difficulty levels for everyone, so they can learn how to morse slowly but steadily.
I think this is actually a great way to learn morse, which I am interested in, but like I said, the difficulty curve is from easypeasy to OH GOD, WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON, I BOMBARDED MY SHIPS ACCIDENTALLY. Another good thing might be deleting commands from before, but it might become a bit unrealistic.
Overall, I like it and I would like to play it more to learn from this game, but the things mentioned can be improved. :)

AlexVsCoding responds:

Thanks for the in depth feedback! I should mention the project is currently in development and I'm more than aware of the balancing issues. The main problem I'm encountering at the moment is I've mastered Morse Code and the principles of the game, so the only way for me to get more feedback to improve the product was to put a build out there for people to play. One of the other complaints by experienced players is when they get to the higher levels, it only takes a couple more troops to cross no mans land to win (by which point they've already cleared the enemy end of the board) so there's balancing there as well.

The way the rows are figured out is for every soldier you get across no mans land, you get an extra row. But, my thinking in rather than on that number specifically have a combination of that and number of units hit on target. I'm also in the process of figuring out a decent tutorial system (As I'll admit the current intro pretty much drops you in the deep end. For example, having the terrain at first locked purely to the trenches and having you target points on the enemy trench.

With regards to the commands from before, if you get more advanced at the game you can stack attacks (which feels super duper awesome if you get right e.g. seeing 3 or 4 groups of ships go up in smoke in sequence). But from testing it at events, people end up with really long rows of letters such as E and S by accidentally pressing. For the start of the game, you'll only be able to store one letter and as you proceeded that would increase.

Keep the feedback coming people and I'll mould the project from there!

I've tried and i've tried, but i don't get it, i followed the key instructions, tried to put in the commands, but seriously, what do i put in? the number first? or the letter? why is there a timer for when i put in commands? the underscore takes a second to put in, so it seems impossible to me to put in letters like Y, or the number 0 take too damn long for me to fill out, before i'm finished inputting the code it all disappears, the pre-picked(i think) coordinated change and im back to square one every time, not to mention that even if i do fill it out in time, regardless of the order in which i put it in, it rarely ever seems to end up striking where i intend, maybe its because i don't really know the rules in morse code, but its frustrating, maybe i'll study morse code and try again, but for now, i'm giving up. Since i'm not sure whether it's my fault or the game's fualt, i'm going give the rating on the review a 2.5 for now, and not rate the game itself.

this seems like a cool idea, but you've really got to work on user friendliness. i realize there are instructions in the description, but you really throw us into this without any tutorial, and it's very much bewildering. if you expect to get a lot of exposure with this, it'd probably be a good idea to ease the player in with some simple starter missions.

this is the most confusing game ever

It really is an innovative idea. Seriously one of the most unique experiences I have seen in a long time. The execution is a train wreck. Please keep at this, You potentially have something great here.

AlexVsCoding responds:

Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate your honesty on the subject! I've absorbed a bunch of information/feedback from the demo (Which is what Morse was) that I've released and I'm in the process of working through a mighty checklist of updates. Should have an update before/on the 19th of November.

Stay tuned for more stuff soon!