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Reviews for "Infantry End of the world"

Cool stuff

However, Infantry isn't. When I found out it went pay 2 play i was pissed off....I played on mechanized skirmish or "Intermediate Zone" or "Capture the Flag." Same maps, different names...My name was BenjaminMartin. I owned =). Now Infantry blows a greedy Sony cock.

Bob64 responds:

true, true. all this "new" stuff Yankee (the level designer) is "adding" to the game is infact in previous zones.

too bad sony had to be greedy enough to host infantry and then make it p2p after saying it wont go p2p.


Nice video... Its a shame though, how Sony Station went and made Infantry P2P. They were making enough money as it is, what with EverQuest and all. Couldn't they put out a free game like Infantry? Not only that, but don't we deserve more? I mean afterall, many of us did help play test the game. We helped make the game so much better, making our suggestions and what-not to help with game play. Then they go and tell us that they are going Pay2Play... IMHO, almost all P2P games suck. I mean, the only reason a game goes P2P is to suck loads of the money from its players. Not only that, but P2P games tend to make their games become even less appealing to the public. All of those free games out there, or those that charge very little to play, are the ones that really care for their players, and can really level with us. I'll miss Infantry... ON TO BATTLEFIELD 1942!!!!

Damn Sony For Makeing Infantry p2p

I played infantry, and so did most of my friends. it wasnt the best game in the world but it was damn fun and the its a shame sony made it p2p. so all i can say is DOWN WITH SONY STATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bob64 responds:

yeah, i had a ton of friends play with me in CM. ahhh... i remember it just like yesterday... cruising around in my tank with all the crew slots filled with friends, squishing aliens, shooting hundreds of bullets on tank hill.... ahhh...

too bad brainscan died :/

yeah it sucked that it had to go pay to play

i've ben playign infantry a little over 4 years ever sence it went pay to play all most every one left nice movie i liked it you'd have to play infantry to full uderstand it but oh well its worth the wait

Bob64 responds:

yeah, i miss the old zones and such. infantry is... dead right now. even more dead since they made the top zone of the "pay 2 play era" pay only, so guests cant play at all.

thanks for watching.


good gawd....this bob is nuts...you cant get better at flashing infantry then mr. bob right here....since the p2p..infantry has lost a lot of good people..and this is just to conclude it all...SONY CAN GO TO HELL...FUK SONY and BOB FUKING ROCKS