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Reviews for "Dead Detention #1.5"

I noticed how the dialogue boxes improved, and the minigames started to grow much harder (Given a timer). The drawing of the outside world was actually rather well done too. I'm enjoying this series.

i finally lost one of those minigames i feel so defeated :'(

the game is pretty fun, but the problem is that the computer microgame is FREAKING HARD, it litteraly took me HOURS to beat, and why do my cursor disapear when it's on the game screen

To Get Past the wake the computer game Keep your mouse in side the mouse and move your mouse slowly and steadily infact so slow its just a bit hard to move slowly to make it perfect on my mouse pad :P

Do NOT Go Fast
Be Like A Snail
Slow And Steady Wins The Race in this scenario is perfect

A nice bonus episode of your series.

The medals work, and I earned them all.