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Reviews for "Defend US! 2"

I thought thought that the game was kind of fun but there was little things that i didnt really in joy. I dont like that ever time you click out of the game it pauses,I think that there should be a fast forward button. And For me some of the game went out of the screen.

It was weird how it got boring at first, because it was too easy. I was actually glad when it became more difficult. It's quite a nice game. It can take awhile to get good, but it always will! The music was fine too. It was just crazy at how many different kinds of enemies there were.

I managed to last until Level 22 on Survival. I kept getting achievements, but they didn't show up. I don't know if that's how they work. You hear the same laser sounds over and over. It was really big, but still quite good.

I like the gradual difficulty and unlocking system, though I couldn't get past the last level of the plains. Overall a fun game

Quite playable - would have helped to have a "fast forward" button - but the gameplay is very unbalanced. In particular UPGRADES are massively more powerful, and better value-for-money, than building a new tower. Most levels can be won with just one tower, upgraded as soon as the money comes in. Even the very final levels can be won with just two or three towers. Also, although the game introduces a wide variety of different towers and other defenses, most of them are pointless since the long-range tower introduced at the start of the game is better than them since its long range stops the inhibiting enemies from temporarily shutting your tower down. There isn't enough money, even in the final levels, to upgrade the really heavy-duty towers up to the same level you can upgrade one of the cheap long-range towers to, so you never really get to see the advantage of their special properties. It would help if the enemies were harder to kill, if there were more of them, if upgrades were either more expensive or less powerful, and there were different enemies that were more vulnerable to the special towers (since that would add variety to the game instead of just building upgraded long-range towers).

This is a very decent TD but I fear it is not really great, there are MAJOR flaws (I'm really bringing this up because it was released '15 so there was PLENTY of TD to play and assimilate features from). Plusses and minuses are as follows.

(+) HUGE variety of tower - 17 turrets, which can be upgraded as well.
(+) Nice simple graphics and sound effects, but BGM can become boring after many time.
(-) Variety won't cut it - Most turrets are BOGUS and won't synergize well with others. As in: You won't need to build more than 2 or 3 different turrets to beat any level - Multibarrel is one of them, and the best turret IMHO as it balances out DPS and multiple targeting. Others are never built at all and feel like they aren't even needed.
(-) Enemies are almost always dealt the same way: There was no need to build most turrets. Most of them should have an immunity/bonus/etc that makes EVERY turret relevant to a point.