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Reviews for "Sonac the Hodgeman 3"

A blast to play.
A comprehensive list of character classes
Play to win: Sonac, Tail, Picture of Shaq
Invulnerable: Goku (that made me laugh when I unlocked him), Knackles, Silber
Easiest trophies: Big Knackles (Play 5 minutes gets 30 emmaralds 100rangs without a miss all AFK)
Ones I didn't unlock: Shadoo (If only I could do missile kills), Vegeta, Probably Rogue.

Weird game. This game is now COMPLETED

I wonder if i go fast enough ill break the sound barrier and go through time.

played as all of them but the last medal didnt unlock

I WON ALL THE BADGES -me from October 6, 2018
me taking a look at my old account: