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Reviews for "Witch Hunt"

thumbs up sir..phc rachel

Very good game (and fan service) lol

MAKE A "A" version please!

What you played gentlemen is a true masterpiece.

This game is, where to begin.... it is one of the best game I have ever played on Newgrounds. Everything is perfect, the interface, easy tutorial, good musics, funny soud effects, the storyline is enough for that kind of game and a bit original. I also really liked the running gag with witch. Generally the humour is pretty good. I smiled at the Sacred goblin voices, good memories. Also when they taunt our heroine with their "kek kek kek" and "u mad human ?", fucking gold...

Moreover it's a good way to spend time playing something that for once my shitty laptop allows. At the end, during the greedling fight I was down at 9 fps. When I get a decent computer I will return to complete everything.

The authors really did their best to come up with such an addictive game, it's superb, I am almost speechless.

Regarding the people complaining about the so-called fan service (which in my opinion fits to the universe, it's freaking fantasy : "boobs, swords and magic" for fuck sake, have you ever played a D&D pen and paper game before ? Don't bother answering, I know the anwser):
Those who complain about this slight detail are the worst hypocrites, you are whining just for some jiggling boobs and a pink pantsu. I bet 90% of you watch game of thrones or at least one TV series with many sexual elements. And the truth is you like it, you fucking crave for it, involuntary or not. I swear kids these days, wimps, I fear the worst with new generations like yours.

I don't want to go on and on with my rambling so I will conclude by saying this:
5 stars hands down, you made a terrific game and I thank you. Gimme some old school fantasy tower defense with sexy female characters everyday !

Hats off.