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Reviews for "Escape the Mine"

I agree with what Parwotrik was saying.
Of course this is only a game and blah blah blah, but if you were in a situation where you found yourself trapped, you would need to use your available resources in any way that you could. Be it collecting water in a helmet to drink or use for other purposes, using tools as makeshift levers, even softening the ground to remove something that's stuck.
Hell, I even enjoyed the fact that you had to close the door to protect yourself.
The art may not be the best there is, and perhaps it could have been longer, but for me, the 'outside the box' thinking is what made me enjoy this game so much.

Good puzzle games unlike most others , have logical reason for any action you do. ( Including the result that comes out of it )

Well, i was pretty lost after collecting the first items. Theoretically all your ideas are correct. But some more hints would be cool (maybe just optionally to leave the challenge to the hardcore gamers). Or simply make the hotspots visible. After knowing what the player can use, it will be easier to figure out everything. As it is now, it's hard to find out where the items can be placed and what is just background.

For the rating: everything works, no bugs found but a bit short

One of the best escape games I've played. Don't listen to starwars12345678910. The fact that you used stuff for things they are not in general intended to was a good move. I also liked that there were no strange "find the code" that's present in all escape games for some fucked up reason.

All in all it was a good game. Maybe a little bit short and to easy, but you really nailed the struggle to get out and to use the imagination and think outside the box. I liked having to use the pickaxe as a lever, and I also liked that I had to use it twice for different stuff.

That was pretty great! Took me a while but I now know your tricks!