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Reviews for "Sentry Knight 2"

Looks like the other game like this. Presumably the 1st version. This one however, runs slowly. It needs a lower graphical quality button.

As tower defense shooters go, Sentry Knight 2 works. It's accessible, intuitive, and great to look at. As with the original game, your hero in an unimportant/non-existent plot continually fires arrows at advancing enemies, so your only job is to aim and press the number keys to activate spells. Killing baddies grants $$ for upgrades and experience for spells. Simple.

One feature that sets the game apart is that the difficulty for each level can be adjusted to make enemies stronger, which also grants you more experience and money. This is a brilliant idea and should become standard on future tower shooters.

The graphics are also very bright and lively, with large enemy characters and flashy explosions. Before every shot the knight squints his shooting eye--very simply but very cool. Enemy death animations are simple, which is disappointing because it'd be fun to see them get blasted away by fire or freeze and break apart by ice spells. That's not the end of the world, but those are some missed opportunities.

The enemies are large, brightly colored, yet dumb and are simply drawn straight toward your tower like magnets. They don't dodge or randomly change course. So your strategy is reduced to aiming autofire arrows, mashing spells, and praying for your spells to cool down. The bosses are little more than bullet sponges (sorry, arrow sponges) with one special attack. Each level has a couple basic objectives like 'don't take more than 600 points of damage' or 'don't let the boss hit you with their special move.' They add little to the game since they don't take you away from your main objective of killing baddies and not being killed by baddies. Again, that's standard fare for tower shooters, but why settle for standard?

So that's how I ultimately feel about the game: it's a missed opportunity. It looks great, plays well (I didn't have any lag issues, sorry to those who did), and gives you plenty of things to shoot. So it fits the genre perfectly. But there's little to elevate it and make it truly memorable. But I'm glad I played it and I happily recommend it to tower defense fans.

Amazing artwork and brilliant strategy. Each level comes with a challenge that you can either ignore or complete for the thrill of winning. This game is also great for medal collectors. Well this doesn't really give out medals but it does in-game. However I find that this game is repetitive. Each enemy is the same. A couple of hard-to-beat enemies, but overall, each enemy comes with a challenge. Whether it is the game challenge or health challenge, it is still enjoyable. Especially with the skills given to you that you must use wisely and precisely. I gave this game 3.5 stars and see for yourself why I did so. Whether you love it or hate it, it's still an enjoyable game.

This would be okay game for example as Mobile Game, everyone loves repeatable Mobile Games :D

Becomes easy too fast but yet leaves spells and other unlockables out of reach :/

I even managed to get killed and win a game at same time.

Nice game, tho the Rock Elemental seems to glitch out. Whenever i destroy the last gibblet it automatically reforms and the objective is failed, even on 2/3.