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Reviews for "Intruder CT 2X"

for the next game add more ''armours'' and more customization. (sorry i don't speak english xD i speak spanish xD)

Very fun game... I would add live multiplayer if that is possible

I just can't stand the sluggish movement.

One of the fundamental tenets of game design philosophy is player empowerment.

Having sluggish or frustrating impeded movement accomplishes the opposite.

mmankt responds:

don't get it. seems pretty fluid to me.

Most Peculiar...

I don't know if this has happened for anyone else, but riddle me this: has anyone logged the game, and when checking out the levels, tutorial, et cetera, your profile is read as null, and when you go to customize, you're apparently level 999 and every level you access is broken? Because that basically sums up what's happening on my end.

Thankfully, using the power of THE GLORIOUS INTERWEBS, I gave this game a solid run back on Kongregate and can give this an honest review despite the current state!

The game is basically you who's some sort of operative training with other operatives to become the best operative of all operatives. Operative. Nothing really to allude on, it's pretty straight-forward: shoot people in the face.

Gameplay's a bit jerky, with the physics being finicky sometimes, but I appreciate the realism that goes into it. Cover deteriorates, headshots do insane amounts of damage, almost killing enemies straight off, bullets drop, objects in the environment react to the mayhem, and flammable objects explode. Violently. My one main gripe would gotta be that grenades and mines are a son of a bitch to make work. I throw a grenade at an enemy's feet, he shrugs it off. Someone throws one at MY feet, you can guarantee my spleen's gonna be 12 feet away from half my remaining lung.

And I'm certain everybody's mentioned the spawn system: no, I'm NOT saying it's unfair to be spawned in with 4 guys duking it out to the left and right of you, as annoying as that is. I'm saying it's a bit unfair when a guy spawns directly behind you and uses a shotgun to refurbish your skull as a waste paper bin. I think the invulnerability was meant to balance this, but now it just feels a little stacked for the poor sod who's caught inbetween, 9/10 times ME.

The character progression is very fair. You gain XP from shooting people in the face, which earns you levels which unlocks more equipment for better shooting people in the face with. It's well-balanced, the magnum's pretty damn worth it to unlock, and everything has its own pros and cons. The skins have decent variation, but I never felt there was a significant change in playstyle whether I chose extra ammo, speed, or health. It always boiled down to me taking potshots at enemies across the map with my sidearm, which seems to have magical accuracy as opposed to anything in my primary slot. Also, note: a shotgun should NOT be effective at long range by using it like a mortar cannon. As awesome as that is.

There's a decent quick match functionality, but you're very limited to how you can play them. You can't choose how many AI is playing against you, you can't choose the point cap, it's all pre-selected before you start. A bit restrictive, but blowing guys up is still fun any way you dice it.
(EDIT: You can, in fact, change the options, but the selection is rather limited. Also, HOLY SHIT, WE CAN FINALLY EDIT THESE. THIS IS ALL I EVER WANTED, WHY WASN'T THIS DONE SOONER?)

In all, it's clean, functional, and has a steady difficulty curve. It demands you take it seriously, and it's not afraid to fuck you up repeatedly to hammer the point home. It requires effort, and that's something that I can appreciate, despite any of the nitpicks and reasonable complaints I made before. It reminds me a bit of Plasma Burst, in a sense, minus a lot of the very floaty gravity: it's unforgiving, but the mistakes you make are usually your own fault. I'll be certain to keep an eye on this series in the future, should there be a future for it. Best of luck, mmankt.

Also, quick note to the dev: whatever the fuck was going wrong with the game that I mentioned at the start of this review, can you check the data and see if everything's alright? Because so far, no one else has reported this issue, and I want to make sure this isn't some really strange problem on my end that remains consistent.

mmankt responds:

Hah thx really awesome review. Sorry for the spawn problems i actually didn't get so radical situations and never got a bot spawn behind my back (the closest a bot can spawn is actually a full screen width so dunno how that could happen ill look into this ) .
note - you can actually choose how many players you want in each type 2-4-6.
As for your bug - WTF :/ Never ever have i heard of this, plz clear your browser cache maybe it'll help.