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Reviews for "Sneaky Explorer City 5"

For some reason I cannot get into the library. I have played and replayed all the games, I think i've done everything possible. Can u please help me?? Thanks.

selfdefiant responds:

Click on the scroll, that will say you need to go to the library. :)

that gut in the library is not a friend of our dads coz he looks like a pedo just standing there with his newspaper wanting us to do his dirty work and a mum that doesn't but a eye lid when her son is gone for the night how old are we

Neat game(s), but i think the story had some potential but you didn't make use of it.
For example the kid was talking the player might get spied on. It made me think that since this part of the game there was a suspicious ice cream truck rick behind the library which has access to the secret area. Not to mention the guy in the suit who CLAIMS to know your father and somehow wants a "special book" and has a "special key" to a secret area, who seems more than he claims to be.
All of that could be used to make a deeper story, but nothing was delivered. Not to mention those loose plot points of the magic turtle, the secret lab and the ancient library thing.
(also a mother doesn't worry even a bit if her son doesn't come home? Come on)

I've been playing your games for a long time, and I've always enjoyed them. They're simple enough that you don't have to use too much brain power, but you still have to think out of the box. Great job!!

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks so much!

Very cute series, I just played them all in a row. I think I want my own magic turtle that lays gemstones, it could come in very handy! Nothing was ridiculously difficult and there was enough of a challenge to keep it interesting without getting so frustrating I want to bash my head on the desk...although I must admit the library had me stumped for a stupidly long time in this part. I must have been distracted by the shiny, shiny gemstones. Great job, my favourite Sneaky so far.

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks! Glad you liked it. :)