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Reviews for "Day Dream Adventure"

Okay, first of all, THIS GAME IS AMAZING.
The music (i'm a fan of Waterflame too!) and the cute graphics, added with weird but bad*** loot, completed this wonderful game. But, i encountered a bug that enabled me to be invincible until i had reached the next level. This was helpful, but ruined the fun and challenging gameplay.
I don't want to make this post to long, so i'll just say it straight: 5 STARS!!!

P.S. : Penicorn=Best Item in this game (the second would be the underpants suit.).

rhys510 responds:

Thanks for loving the game - updates coming soon :P

Wow easy game but cool bosses^^ and the musik is cool too. A big thanks to rhys510 and Waterflame for that great game :D

make more please :D

rhys510 responds:

waw thanks :)

Great! :D

rhys510 responds:

thanks :D

Really great work!

its the best game ive ever played. im looking for more games like this one but i never find one.
im looking up to more updates if thee will be more.

(srry if my english is bad it isnt my first lenguage)