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Reviews for "Kingbastard [ boxclever ]"

I first heard this track...

...on the buss on my way home from school, right after you sent it too me.

Nowadays I keep volume pretty low on my headphones,´my ears have taken quite some beating from them, so i couldn´t quite "reach all the goodies".
One thing I heard at ones, and that was that even tho there were alot of backgroundnoice, i could still make out alot of sounds. This shit is clear as a freaking day. Your mixing skills are as good as ever. And I also noticed something I didn´t like, twas that "ding" cymbal/bell whatever it was, it strikes twice when it occurs here and there in the song. It definitley felt nessecary with something similiar, but i just didnt like it, the sound itself sounded wrong in my ears.

Anyway, there is a synth that just fuckign blow my mind, it´s the one that follows through the whole song. Smooth thing, not the bass-like drone, but the other one. The drone is fucking hardcore too tho. But perhaps thatone could have been a little more varied and alive and had it´s oown "solo section"? N ot nessecary, really, but I love it when buzzy drones goes "bzzzOOOAAAZZZRRRRZZZZZZzzzzz" with a filter and a reasonale amount of resonance smashes it in the very center and front of the mix!!!

THe bassdrum sounds cool, as does the whole beat, to be honest (except that beell thingy i mentioned:)
The compressed snare really splashes in nice like hell, giving me a sensation that it hit´s really hard, when it in fact is fairly low in the mix. Nice one.
The glitching, hopping, usage of filters and all those buzzy blipping effects that jumps around on each side... manm this may not be the "best" song I´ve heard from you, but holy hell it might very well be one of the most entertaining ones!! ´

I´ve listened through it a couple of times since i came home and off the buss :) and yeah, it´s definitley a grower. The more I hear it, the more it grows.

I assume you´ve used acid for some noices and sampled some stuff, is the rest reason?

I just freaking envy your amazing pruduction and mixing skills man, good part is that you kep improivng all the freakin time!!!

This track is an honest straight freakin ten in the categories that NG reviewing allow!

Good luck at yer new home man, it´s good to have you back online!!! :)

Kingbastard responds:

Always nice to receive a review from the big R:) Cheers for your constant support


love it make more :D

For sure top 10 favorite songs

First I gotta say I'm a huge fan of all your music and I've bought 2 of your albums. I think this is the first song I heard from you and it's what really hooked me on your music. You've got so much creativity and variety in your music! I used this in a slide show for school and everyone was asking who it was! ahhhh I'm just starting out in making music but I just feel hopeless when I look at someone like you who can have so many songs with SO much variety and GOODNESS. Do you think maybe you could check out a song or two of mine and tell me what I need to improve on? Probably DownThere would be the best song to listen to. Thanks for making great music, please keep up the good work.

This is horrible

but is soooooooooo addictive.

This is excellent! I love the sound!

This is an excellent beat! Keep the party rockin', King Bastard! You rock!