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Reviews for "Unsung Hero"

More amazingness! Not only is it guitar-driven orchestral, it's got multiple time signatures! You certainly know how to keep people like me interested in your songs. :D

You've got another great melodic motif here! Personally, my favorite way that it was played was definitely the guitar at 2:11. And that switchup to 5/4 at 1:11 was great! Thought it would've been cool to hear a variation of your main melody adapted to 5/4 during that section. But a killer solo during it is amazing too. XD

Nitpicks: transitions in and out of the 5/4 section! The transition leading into it at 1:02 featured some sick shredding, but it still felt a little drawn out. Also, imo the transition out of it around 2:10 could've used a somewhat bigger buildup. Ending was a little sudden, too, since the strings and drums ended on that non-final note. :P

But this is another brilliant track overall. Excellent work and good luck! :D

bassfiddlejones responds:

Another epic review, thanks man! I also enjoyed the 5/4 part, and you know what, we actually had originally planned on playing an adapted version of the melody in the 5/4 section, but it was taking extraordinarily long to get it to sound proper, so in the interest of time we abandoned the idea. Totally with you though, it would have been neat.

I agree, some transitions could have been smoother; we ended up changing time and key signatures at the same time and it the transitions ended up draining a lot of our time (which is a precious resource for a couple of dads!) Also with you on the ending, might smooth it out a bit after the judging (though if you listen closely, the strings actually end on the tonic). Thanks a ton for the feedback man, it's well placed and we'll use it to get more awesome next round!

NGADM Review:

I felt a very RPG element to the track when I first started listening. Your composition is really a pleasure to listen to through this competition so far, I'm really excited to see what comes next. I'm very surprised at how well you are able to combine such diverse instrumentation together in a coherent piece of music and make it sound really nice as well. Your melodies and compositional ideas really flow nicely from one part to the next and honestly, I have nothing to say other than I love it. Where this song falls short for me is the production. The strings sound a little bit fake to me, and the piano sound is a little cheesy. I also felt that the general instrumentation, while you made it work really well with the overall composition of the track, could have been better selected. I'm not sure why, but most of it struck me as a little cheesy. Really really solid job on this though. You guys have been making some great tracks so far, and I'm really looking forward to the next one!



bassfiddlejones responds:

Glad you've been enjoying the tracks! Thanks for the review. I'd like to hear more about your thoughts that's it's a little cheesy, and what you would do to improve it/what selections you would make differently. Would you be up for PM'ing me a more detailed explanation? Thanks for the work you're putting into this!

This is an NGADM 2015 review.

I really love the piano in this! It works so well in such an exciting track and is one of the most interesting elements to me in this one. What also really gets me about this track is how memorable it is, because it's quite catchy, but you're not afraid to stray from simplicity (where most of catchyness lies) and I think you've hit a really nice mid-point between the two.

So as with most of my reviews this round, it seems I'll mostly be praising the composition and instrumentation and nitpicking the mix :P sorry

So right out the gates the piano and cymbals are beautiful! The tone of the piano is really excellent by the way, I don't know why I'm so excited about that. Is it recorded or are you using a VST? Anyway - there are a few things I notice as soon as you bring everything else in at 21 seconds, namely that the low frequency sub-impact thing you have muddies up the mix a little (needs more of a transient, imo) and that it really exaggerates how I expect the chorus mix to sound, as there's more low frequency content in the first half second or so of it than in most of the chorus itself (I think I mentioned something similar in the previous round, although it could have been on another song). The other thing is that the percussion is quite quiet and lacks impact, especially the kick. The cymbals are actually pretty damn nice and airy, but I'm finding the kick and snare are a little low. The interesting thing is that later on at 1:10, it all sounds pretty great! Kick could be taken up a bit, but otherwise it all sounds fantastic. It's more in the main choruses that your percussion is somewhat overpowered.

Something else I'm noticing is that at 1:24 you really need some kind of transitional element to give the new chorus some impact, especially since the percussion in this section is quite low as well. I also am unsure about the panning you're doing on the kick. The idea is solid, but because the kick is so overpowered, when it comes into the sides it ends up being a lot more audible (especially in the high end) which creates this feeling of inconsistency for me.

I think the part at 2:10 is pretty solid, (melodically it's GOD DAMN AMAZING) though, partially because you've got those orchestral toms and whatnot. I think it's a much more appropriate pace/style of percussion for the sound and takes a more appropriate background role to the lead instruments. It also has a lot more impact and power than the kick drum in previous sections, and it's a lot more exciting. I suppose "exciting" is a pretty appropriate way to end it, and it works well :D

Sorry about nitpicking, by the way, because this is an awesome track. Great transitions, great melodies, great chords, great instrumentation. It's been a blast to listen to :P

bassfiddlejones responds:

Geoplex, thanks for the review! Really glad you liked the piece. And don't worry about the nitpicking, it's what makes us better musicians! Yes, transitions were a tough one for this song, but we're paying closer attention to them! Time is tough to come by >_< thanks again for the review! We really enjoyed making this one.

This is a NGADM Round 2 Review.


- Perfect blend of orchestral and rock!
- Wonderful melodies, excellent composition overall.
- Chromatic percussion & piano! +++
- Excellent guitar playing!
- Strings were implemented well.
- Good mix.

First off, awesome tip of the hat to Samwise! Love it. Anyway, what can I say? This track is epic, it's just plain awesome. The melodic work is spot-on. Everything blends wonderfully. Like Stunkel, I thought this was going to be something straight out of some RPG title or another (it definitely would be suited to that)! For each transition, I was eager to see where the song would take me next. The key word here is eager. When a piece of music draws you in and interests you in a real way, that's a sure sign of a well-structured, well-written track. By the way, I loved the part at 2:32...gosh, it's so great!

What to consider:
- Some transitions could be smoother.
- A good mix overall, though some things fall short (portions of the drums, the chromatic percussion, strings, etc.)

Some of those transitions are a little jarring, 1:23 comes to mind! It seems everyone had something to say about them, so I won't blab on about it. As I've stated, the mix is great, but there were times when certain instruments were washed away by the guitar, or even the strings. At 2:32, I feel as if the piano should take precedence over the strings. That's just my opinion, though! :)

A job well done, and then some. Can't wait to see what's next, you guys!

Score: 9/10

bassfiddlejones responds:

Samwise never gets the spotlight! haha, thanks for the review man, we put some hard work into this. I agree with your critiques, our hope is that we get better as this goes on. The part at 2:32 is my favorite as well :D Thanks again for the review!

=== This is an NGADM Round 2 Review ===

Alright, I just have to get this out of the way. About a year ago I wrote a song which I liked a lot, although I never made it into a full song. The reason I bring it up is that the main melody of that song has 8 notes that are, NOTE TO NOTE AND RHYTHMICALLY EXACTLY THE SAME as your main melody. It's a particularly bizarre experience to judge a track when the main theme is something that I also wrote. Do I award full points for LITERALLY BEING ME? Or 0 points for COPYING MY SUBCONSCIOUS?!?

I might actually be underrating this song because I've heard the melody already, so it doesn't have that novelty to it! Like I said... it's super weird.

Alright, let me settle down.

This is a really, really good track. The first thing that catches my attention is, obviously, the mix. It's just so darn well done. It makes me mad! Aside from some small nitpicks, which I'll get into eventually, the mix is insanely well done, and definitely the most satisfyingly full mix that I've heard this round on the NGADM. Way to go.

Not only does this song have a (generally) awesome mix, but it seems like it's just full of things for judges like me to geek out on. I'll just have a quick go at them, here we go.

The main piano theme. Again, this is the exact theme that I came up with once, so it's kind of weird for me to judge it, but yeah, I'm pretty sure it's good. :P

The transition at 1:05. Actually, that transition REALLY caught me aback the first time I listened to it, and I wasn't really totally sold on it, and I'm still not sure if I am (it doesn't really raise tension as you'd expect it to so much as it makes you go "what the heck is happening" - I think it would have been better if the guitar had a more clear ascent to the final note rather than going around in circles and then finally hitting it). I have to say though, I haven't heard anything quite so insane in a while, so that's something.

The 5/4 section. Every judge likes prime number time sigs over 4 that are greater than 3, and you musicians have apparently caught onto this secret in the second round of NGADM. Your 5/4 riffing is effortless.

The peak of the guitar solo at 3:08 (I actually wanted to hear it go up higher more, but this is still an awesome moment).

Anyways, so I clearly think that this song is awesome. So why the low score? Actually, 8.5 isn't a low score at all. It's the second highest score I gave! Why did you think it was a low score, anyways? Well, I should probably complain about some stuff, to give you a direction to improve. So here we go.

I do think that the mixing is off at points. Again, the mix is awesomely full, so that's definitely not where the problem - it's I think that the drums are too quiet. If you compare with professional tracks done in the same vein, I think you'll find that drums in this sort of driving orchestral rock hybrid track are much louder, to really give energy to the track. I would also expect the drums to be slightly bassier.

The mix does become a little cluttered at points, as well, just because there's so darn much stuff in it. Consider 2:00, where the guitar is kinda competing with the pad, and the midbass guitar seems to just be completely drowned out. Or at 2:32, where the first few notes of the piano are almost completely impossible to hear (this is minor, since we all know what those notes are by now, but still).

I also want to talk a little about transitions. I already kinda expressed my confusion over the transition at 1:05, which I think is kinda emblematic of my problems with transitions generally in this piece. A really good transition into an energetic part should be gearing you up to go HECK YEAH by the time that the next section kicks in. One of my favorite transitions is the one that starts at 3:02 in the song "The Good Life" by Weezer (listen to the whole song to get the full impact). It certainly doesn't hurt that the song is just generally amazing, but that transition back into the chorus is *so* good that even if Weezer had decided to make the final chorus a reprise of Humpty Dumpty it STILL would have been awesome, just by virtue of the incredible transition.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkroIXktjgE

This is the kind of thing that I wanted from your track, especially the transition into the final chorus (which should always be the biggest hitting moment, since it's at the end of the song anyways!). I mean, just think of how awesome 2:53 in your track could have been with the right sort of transition.

Aside from the buildup transitions, I felt like some of the other transitions were a little weird as well, in a more minor way. For example, the transition at 1:31 (No, Microsoft Word, I did not misspell "1:31". That doesn't even make sense.) - that awesome midbass riffing just sorta... fades out? That's kind of disappointing. Similarly with 2:09, I felt like it was kind of a let down, since a modulation should usually be a BIG DEAL, but instead you just hit a couple of very quiet brass notes and then BOOM.

Anyways, I know I complained a lot here but, all in all, this was an awesome track. Well done, you guys. It was one of my favorites from the round.

Score: 8.5

bassfiddlejones responds:

It's a tad odd that we've written the same thing, haha.

I agree with you entirely on transitions, they weren't as good as they could have been for sure (we have a long list of excuses, time blah blah, also we are dads). I'm not certain I agree with the mix being cluttered, as it was mixed from a guitar driven point of view, but knowing something could be off is worth checking into, and we'll definitely pay close attention in the next track (YOU WILL ONLY HEAR DRUMS)

Also modulating is weird and hard sometimes, so it's easy to spend a lot of time on those tiny (but important) passages, which we didn't seem to have enough of this round. Admittedly, we skimped a bit on composing for the modulation, so your critique is well noted. Already I think we're off to a more sound theoretical start for the next track, and I'm hoping you'll be impressed. Thank you for the epic review!