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Reviews for "Modern Day Mafia"


frootza responds:

Yes indeed! Thank you!

NGADM Review:

So you clearly put a lot of work into this. I can tell by the always changing melodies and the drums being very complex is really awesome. So I think what this track did for me was that the rhythmic aspect of each instrument you have don't really compliment eachother very well. You have a bunch of moving parts which is fine, but they don't quite connect so well. This results in something that is not very fluid. I would say your composition is headed in the right direction, but solidifying your rhythmic side of the music will help make everything more orderly and create a better emotional experience. I'm also not a huge fan of the instrument combination, but I think that touching on the rhythmic stuff is most important to improve on. Nice work!



frootza responds:

Thanks dude. Should have not submitted an arrangement for my live band. Maybe I will do some electronica next time or something,

This is an NGADM Round 2 Review


Oh hey, this is certainly a step up from your previous track. I'm going to start by saying that there are a LOT of fun ideas here. The intro instantly throws us into the hyperactive, defiant, and brazen mood you've created, and you keep the excitement levels high pretty much throughout the whole track, introducing neat idea after neat idea, while still remaining true to your original theme by reintroducing a highly similar version to it halfway through the track. It's a listening experience that I can't say I didn't have fun partaking in.

What I'm going to say in the criticism department is probably going to echo the thoughts of the other judges. While yes, I do enjoy the crazy and hyper melodies that effortlessly dart through jazzy scales and passages in all sorts of time signatures, there are points where the song isn't quite as amusing and verges onto the downright nonsensical, especially towards the end (and why did you leave that drum loop trailing during the ending?). To be honest, I was dying for some more sections in the track where I wasn't struggling to discern something in all the chaos.

I have a few mixing complaints. The drums get drowned out very often. You also have a muted saxophone in there (well, I think it's a muted sax anyway) which is extremely harsh on the high end and sticks out compared to all the instruments (not to mention its weird attack time). In general, this track sounds quite dry and could do with more reverb. It's also not as wide as it could be. I was hoping for some crispier highs from the cymbals and deeper lows from the bass and drums.

Despite its apparent chaotic and hyperactive nature, I still think this is a blast to listen to. Hope my criticism helped. Was nice having you in the contest.


SCORE: 8.2/10

frootza responds:

Thanks dude. Yep that's the muted trumpet in the free kontakt player. We all wanted to track it live with everyone but the original trumpet player I had in mind flopped, really cool guy) I think you know him lol) When things went downhill I just stopped trying hence the weird out of place edm outro. All true though dude thanks for getting to the review I can't mix like I used to but hopefully I can learn again one day.

This is a NGADM Round 2 Review.


- Interesting blend of instruments!
- Nice interplay between the guitar and flute.

You've created a very unique feel to this track by combining instruments that generally aren't combined stylistically. The sax definitely gives the song its overarching mood (and is related back to the title), which is pretty neat. The way you incorporate the guitar and the flute is interesting, too. They often play off of each other!

What to consider:
- Too many ideas at play = clutter.
- The mix needs some TLC.
- The part at 2:18 seems out of place.
- The conclusion is a little lacking.

I think the biggest issue with this track is that you tried to incorporate too many ideas! There are notes flying all over the place, and while there is a general sense of musical direction happening here, it isn't quite as comprehensive as it could be (pertaining to overall composition). I think it would be better to focus on fewer instruments, or at least use each instrument sparingly so they each have some time to shine (as opposed to having them all play at once).

This brings me to my next point: the mix sounds quite cluttered at times. The drums are drowned out by the other instruments, the guitar seems very dry, as does the flute. I think that a touch of reverb on the instruments (the sax and flute in particular) would really help them along. Furthermore, the track could use more dynamics! By adjusting the velocity of your notes, you can create a greater sense of realism. Also, by playing with instrument levels, you can determine which instrument should take a bow, and which should play in the spotlight for a time. Those are just some examples.

Finally, the conclusion sounds as if it is from a different track altogether. It doesn't sound bad by any means, but it just makes for an odd ending when compared to the rest of the track, you know?

It was really nice to hear something different amidst the other genres, and I think with some polish and work on song structure, this track would really be on its way. Keep at it, frootza! :)

Score: 7/10

frootza responds:

Thats trumpet, muted lol. Yeah I do get wild with melodic counterpoint. It's a live arrangement so that's just how we play it now meh haha. As I mentioned to Step my mixing is very embarrassing nowadays I wish I could brush up on my skills there a bit.

But as far as the arrangement itself goes just remember that everythings links into each other rhythmically and melodically. It is probably a challenge for a lot of folks to focus on what is going on, but also understandanle for most people to prefer a simplified approach. Thanks for the review Neon! 9 years gigging and counting I don't plan on stoppin'

__--=***NGADM Review***=--__

I liked the drums and percussion, I also liked the progressive rock style outro.
Hmmmm... I have to say though… Too many notes. I think if you want something to be this busy, musically, you need to really know how to mix it to satisfy all the instruments' requirements while still maintaining subtlety. It's DEFINITELY a step up from your previous mixing though, but is it enough for this stage of the competition...? The composition was fun, I enjoyed its variety even if I found some of it a little non-sensical like 1:33 which sounded quite amateurish to me in comparison with your other work. I think this would appeal to certain other judges more (Step perhaps...) but for someone like me it didn't tickle me the right way. I can tell you put a lot of work into it though!


frootza responds:

Thanks dude, I wish that I did but I only spent around 2.5 hours making this one. Yep my mixing is horrid. Ran into some problems. Maybe next year. Just wanted to get out of my blippity bloop comfort zone because I got tired of making it but I'm thinking of just settling for making more of that. Thanks again man!