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Reviews for "Alfred Alfer Film Trailer"

A lot of animations just don't "get it". YOU however, do "get it"! You really do understand the power of body language and hand gestures, (even if rude!) and use it to empower the character actions, and reactions. The most famous cartoons did this back in the golden age of animation, ala the LoonyToons, and I hope to live long enough to see this to completion. Because if I don't, then I fear that Alfred with put a shclong up my dead butthole.

Women engaging in sick and demented animation for some stranger reason is a turn on. What the hell is wrong with me?

You know this is so refreshing to see something done by a woman that is about as demented and perverse as any man can do. So far I have seen a lot of brutal statements about humanity within these animations (the Alf Alfers series) and all of it isn't any sicker then what we all see in real life.

Emily, YOU RULE! You are an animator with the sick and twisted spirit. I find it funny how in a way this animation is so psychedelic yet it seems to share some elements of Superjail (the wackiness of some of the animation you have done), the gratuitous sex, drug abuse, and violence of King Star King (which I will say right now came AFTER the Alf Alfers series. I would swear this was the inspiration for KSK somehow), and elements of many of the past classics such as Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock, Hellraiser, Fantasm, and Sherlock Holmes. On top of that your adaptation of music to your animation is splendid. Cameos galore too... some of them more obscure then others but you are treading in cinema where VERY few dare to tread.

Needless to say this movie should be something Spike and Mike should be tossing awards at you just for how sick and demented the Alf Alfers series is. BTW, I would bet money if GG were still alive he would volunteer to do songs for this just becasue.

ROCK ON! The fact Troma is backing you says VOLUMES to me. Loyd Troma actually has done more to promote new and upcoming talent in cinema then every last single movie studio in America and Europe! I would like to offer a special thanks here to Troma for backing this series and movie. Some of us poor fans would be denied the weird and perverse entertainment that those of us who despise the mainstream BULLSHIT we are force fed by the media are denied.

In a way I can say animation like this forces people to see the dark side of humanity and ourselves so many of us refuse to acknowledge. While some of it is just plain silliness like the loop animations some of this is so serious it cannot be taken seriously until after the fact. Also the fact that this movie will drip sex, drugs, and ultraviolence means we have as Frank Zappa said in Thingfish we have "an evening of uplifting frolic and cavortment to look forward to."

Well, here is one person looking forward to this movie!

Youm Youm emily, you rock. you sexual sadistic soul.. i love this oldschool animaton i get some hardcore nostalgic feelings by watching this video, i have watched it 5 times and it still blows my mind

Great work keep it up ! *****

LOL nice job! ;)

Can't believe I missed this, too busy farming I guess. Insane amount of scenes and *shivers* detail. The narration was a bit off, considering the grand scope of the AA movie; it might've benefited from a dead-pan, serious read, from either you or a male VA. The VO script itself is great though.

If you're going to do a crowd funding thingy, get on it soon, I don't like how the rest of the world is writhing in the placenta of economic chaos....