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Reviews for "Perdition"

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a VERY, very good game. When a game is deep enough to make me want to experience all it has to offer, while being simple enough to get that experience without loads of work, it's a good game.

Some bugs though...
Firstly, the first time I ran into 'tanas' (nice anagrams by the way- I got both of them), I ran right into him and killed him, yet it still gave me the 'spared tanas' achievement >.>
Secondly, One time I reloaded, and when I did, the underground area where we meet tanas in person glitched and instead of halos, there were guns everywhere, preventing me from avoiding his influence.
Lastly, in the tower at the end, in the area directly to the right of the respawn point (the point that has a gun on either side) I ran into a recurring glitch; I'd grab a gun, jump off to the right, then move a bit to the right. I'd get a command from gamodi (again, nice anagram) to not fight- above me, running to and fro, there would be a spider executioner. I'd jump up onto the platform, and try to shoot it... but then my character would just sit there and do nothing. I'd hit the fire key several times afterwards, but again, nothing- then mr spider would come over and cut my head off. I think this glitch is related to gamodi getting ticked at the player, because while I never got the angry gamodi message, it still counted as a disobey- because I still got the 'sinner' achievement at the end.

Anyways, these small glitches aside, the game was really great. Kudos on an engaging experience! :)

This is one of my favorite games on new grounds. Its always making you think about its symbolism and its not just artistic. Its also fun and a tense. It remains me of bio shock. You have to play to understand what I mean. Its just a great game. 9/10

Amazing game, this inspired me to write music after playing and inspired a deep dark emotion in me that I haven't felt in a while. Who says a good game has to create good feelings in you?

That game has an underlyingly deep theme like almost no other.
Be enslaved by a sadistic tyrant or give your all to feed its seductive nemesis who lies deep in the shadows.

The athmosphere and the story, paired with the entities and your role in it all make it feel like some biblical event.
Which it's supposed to be, of course.
Your characters name is Eve.
Gomadi is an anagram for "I am God".
Tanas is an anagram for "Satan".
The true ending means defying and killing both, in other words, not believing in them, but still being a "human" loveful being that doesn't kill anything. The android becomes the new human, and as the first is called Eve. From there on, when the story ends, you can guess she helps the other androids become "human" as well, and teaches them to live, without being controlled by a higher being, deity or whatever.

That's so freaking deep, I love it.
And everything the game offers only helps the immersion of it all.