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Reviews for "Wolfgang VS The Future"

Not bad is good

I am really missing attack from above. Not really sure what seeds do. Overall good. Music does not fit my taste.

This was a fun little beat 'em up....

-Music was great using Mozart's songs as the background to a fighting game starring... Mozart.
-Concept was an interesting twist on the action RPG-style beat-'em ups.
-For the most part, the core movements and controls responded well.

-Fighting could get sluggish. When too many enemies/ projectiles were on the screen, the action was a little hard to follow.
-Bullet Time vs Violin Upgrade. The violin seemed a little bit of a let-down as a bullet time starter, especially after you have those slow down period occur quite frequently throughout the game anyway. Some other effect would have been nice instead (or get rid of the random slow-down parts).
-Boss battle was tedious. It was a little challenging, but the final boss battle was mostly just a marathon of tedious fighting. Your attacks don't do that great of damage to the boss-mech, the enemies don't spawn enough to make that great of a challenge, the chef just sort of stops you from getting momentum, and the whole thing just stretches out way too long.

The con section was longer than the pros, but this is still a solid game. Nice submission! :)

First of all, I really like the idea, and overall story. The art is more than unique, simple, cute, yet fascinating.

The idea, plot twist of history and some interesting battles make this game more than awesome. Too bad, there is too many bugs and flaws here...

First of all, you would notice that the movement are bit slow on the beginning, you would adapt and its fine because there is speed upgrade anyway. The problem is, the lag are so heavy that it make everything move so slow.

The game will get slower and more less responsive the more you progress, and then became more clear if you die or restart the wave. This become annoying as you need to restart every now and then.

The upgrade seems fine, the only things that not, are the consumables. Potions are too expensive on the beginning, and their worth are so low if you're not yet bought any health upgrade. Potion heal the percentage of health, so it become more and more valuable the more you upgrade your health. Also, the bird food, is the effect temporary or not? For only one wave or until you die?

About health, I also don't like the way you upgrade health, and still respawned with 100 health, then some empty space that obviously you must fill with potions. Upgrade health is useless then if you never get any potions =_=

There need to be more enemy type. Other than that, there still many problem with the enemies. First of all, the damage between Thug and the others are WAY too imbalance. A bullet deal 1 damage and a punch deal 10 damage, not to mentioned that the thug have so many health. This is simply broken...

The hitbox also seems weird, you could hit enemy from few meter away before your attack even touch them, not like its a bad thing though. The bad one are, you could make combo, but usually, only one of them will hit the enemy anyway. This is the biggest problem that also make the boss battle too hard.

About boss.... its so hard, and its good. But we're not ready yet to face it, and we have no way to get more upgrade first. There is simply no way you could finish all the upgrade, and there also no way to replay the level to get more coins. Man....thats just fun breaking =_=

The story and everything is nice, and if only the game work fine without lag, its actually fast paced and very fun....sadly it isn't work like that. Good work anyway, I highly appreciate the game, yet I can't give any good score, so 4 star is all you get.

Chaz responds:

Hey, thanks for the review. Have never experienced lag myself...maybe update your Flash player?

Thugs do more damage because the strategy is you need to dash attack them to hit them and then get away fast. As for not being prepared with upgrades for the boss, this all depends on how wisely you spend the gold through the game. It helps to buy the Crazy Violin as this deals mad damage on the boss. A lot of people seem to think the only way to finish him is with standard attacks.

Thanks for playing and leaving the review!

Great game, nice music and gameplay. Not very challenging but still fun.