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Reviews for "Manamancers"

Nice concept but the game feels broken as almost no match yields coins so only way to earn them is to buy them.

29 matches=5 coins...

This is just a different version of candy crush saga. Its not exactly all that much fun either. Really gets old quick

Like it or not this game is extremely luck based.

Most players on the top 30 list have a win / loss ratio of 1.0, even after hundreds of games. While I do love how accessible and streamlined everything is, skill and planning are always overwhelmed by luck in this game.

Players need a way to force a refresh of the map, a different gem generation sequence to avoid combos just blindly being handed to the player or a way to predict which new gems will spawn in, because at the moment a win can simply be handed to you or the other player by random chance.

Also, I have played 11 games. Please give me some character customization options already. I have no idea why you decided to force players to play again and again just to unlock the chance to buy a hat. This is becoming a grindfest.

Maras responds:

Is poker luck based? Maybe it is if you look at one game, but in long run, it's all about strategy/calculations. Anyway, the best player with almost 4800 games so far have skill ratio 2.3, thats not exactly average...

Thats why many people make living on playing poker and other people lost fortune.

4800 games is more than enough to deduce conclusions - if it would be purely luck based game, he should also have skill ratio around 1, not 2.3

About the customizations: If you played 11 games and think that is more than enough, why do you need to buy new armors if you do not plan to play anymore? All the customizations is available to anyone who create new character, but armors and weapons unlocks at level 9.



Great game concept, completely ruined by game mechanics. You pin newbys against high levels who have played for weeks, or months. Also ive always hated when you can bribe your way to winning games, such as buying armor, health potions ect. with real world money.

Before you say "well I have to make money some how". Cosmetics are ok to sell, not power armor and weapons that give a huge advantage.

Maras responds:

It is not designed as pay to win, but I have to agree with you that at this stage it is (for new players anyway)....

You get gold and potions from leveling up and it would not be hard to beat someone who spend money on this game if the matchmaking would be working properly. (Players matched according to their skills).

Unfortunately there is always very low number of online players and the average wait time for a match could be around 10 minutes - noone will wait for that long for this game.

If I implement AI matches back then the players who want to play PVP will leave as the wait time will increase once again..

I could at least disable potions and equip powerups if the rank differs too much though...