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Reviews for "Munar 1"

So, it's based on a game! The idea would've been even more awesome if it was as creatively unique as it seems to be, but either way the lack of education and the apparent violence of the paradoxially non-gravitational area was just great. Really smooth; entertaining animation... and that end. XD Nice work!


PuffballsUnited responds:

Yep, I have an idea for an original series but I want to get better at writing and storytelling first. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Haha, I enjoyed this quite abit, liking the animation and how smooth it is compared to others i've seen, kind of reminds me of over a year ago when I first started playing Ksp, and now as well. I made an account so I could comment here.
As for you wanting to make your own series, get all of that squared away, plan it all out and continue making these animation shorts, the experience will go a long way for when you start it up.

PuffballsUnited responds:

I'm honored you made an account to comment on my vid :)
You've got my plan down to a T. All I gotta do is animate a bunch and eventually I'll be ready. Gotta work on writing too but that comes with experience

I haven't really played kerbal, but hey, this was still pretty dang funny! hahah

PuffballsUnited responds:

That's good! I try to make it funny even for people who wouldn't get the source material

In the words of Kevin, AW YEAH! Cool video. Good plot. Excellent character development. I especially like the earthy undertones and hint of sage. In short, keep up the good work.

PuffballsUnited responds:

I'm glad you picked up on that hint of sage. Wasn't sure if I used enough for anyone to notice

Not bad at all. I dig the art style, and the animation was nice and fluid. Not much else to say here. I suppose that I found it sort of lacking in humour for the most part, but still had a little chuckle at the end. But hey, that's just me. Yeah, definitely a solid little flash, keep it up.

PuffballsUnited responds:

That's fine. I def know I need to work on my humor and pacing. Thanks for the input!