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Reviews for "I Like Vegetables"

Style fits perfectly with the song, flows nicely, hope to see more stuff from you soon! :)

Cool stuff dude! Keep workin at it and you'll go far

Firstly, hats off to your animation skill, this is honestly one of the best things I have reviewed in my time with The Review Request Club. Truly worthy of it's Daily 3rd Place and Front Page, congratulations for that also. Anyway to business.

Starting at the beginning is always best, The instant I saw the preloader I knew that this was going to be at least a better then average flash. It's always best, I feel to not skimp on a preloader and you clearly haven't with the little details like the buttons beyond a simple play button. It sets it out from 7/10 of Newground flashes. So far so good.

As I've already said I find the animation in general to be great although I would say if I was nit picking, looking for something to improve, I would have spent more time on the frame by frame drawing, especially around the characters hand movements, they could just be a tad smoother with the lines and at one point in the animation, where the character is having veg conveyer belted into his mouth there is a little line across his neck. Just little things like that. Really small things. Maybe spend a little more time watching what you think is the finished product and really looking at every detail. Honestly there is nothing else I would say to improve.

It's a great animated music video, the song and the animation are both funny. You should be proud of it. Keep this stuff coming.

- Review Requests Club -

Yusuf responds:

Yeah with the conveyor belt part, I think something happened with it because the moving part of the guy's head is on a mask layer, and it screwed up. Thanks, I'll take these into consideration :)

I'd like to start off by saying it's nice to see a flash that has a fullscreen button. It's not often you see that and it's really a nice feature :3.

As far as art and animation goes, this was pretty top-notch. The frame by frame animation was really nice, though the characters were drawn rather simplistically. There were some detailed backgrounds, but a lot of simple ones too. Really nice choice of colors, it made this interesting to look at. The part where the camera moved in a pseudo-3D way when they were by the brick wall looked a bit awkward. This tends to happen when you try to tween 3D camera movements. It's usually best to animate 3D shots frame by frame, even if it is a huge pain. It will end up looking more natural in the long run. This could use some minor tweaks in the art department, but overall it's really good.

The pacing and direction in this felt good, aside from one or two shots staying on screen for a little longer than felt necessary, mainly the conveyor belt shots, but that's honestly a minor nitpick. There was a wide variety of angles and aside from a few instances, the shot progression felt natural and, again, made this really interesting to look at.

The song was interesting; a bit weird but it got a chuckle out of me, and your animation really fit with the music, so this is a pretty effective music video.

There really isn't much I can say about this. It worked well as a music video, was mildly entertaining and the animation was great. There's always room for improvement though. I hope this review was helpful to you, and good luck with your future submissions!

[Review Request Club]

Yusuf responds:

Yeah, I drew the characters like this because it is generally easier for me to animate, and I probably wouldn't have been able to pull off half the stuff I did.
Frame-by-frame on the brick wall shot? I guess I could experiment with that
As for the conveyor belt shot being long - well I'm just kind of lazy and didn't feel like animating something new :P

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