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Reviews for "Cyroad"

This game is gorgeous, and the music is nice. However, it has some, to be blunt, boring gameplay. It wasn't until the sixth or seventh time I "sped up" that it started to get exciting, and past the tenth to get challenging. There wasn't really any additional challenge besides the speed either, which made it even less exciting. That being said, some additional challenges added and maybe music mixups would be great. I get that you made this for a game jam, but much more interactive and engaging games have been made in less time.

I really love the atmosphere. The graphics are fantastic, there's no doubt about that. Oddly enough, I didn't get any of the "bad controls."

However, it could be so much more. It feels like almost the whole two days were spent on the graphics, with hardly any attention paid to the actual gameplay. For the whole time I was playing, I was ready to see some curves or jump over crap or have to dodge around really fast. It never really happened.

Bottom line: Although I love the graphics/atmosphere, I wish you would've sacrificed some of it to put in some more gameplay.

Ehh. A lot like "missile game 3D". If it took 20 frigging minutes for it to build up to a speed which is actually competitive. And was designed to give me motion sickness. Also, I hate hate hate how the whole background rotates counterclockwise when I go to the right and clockwise when I go to the left. If I want to be seasick, I'll jump off a building. Or try to sleep in a moving car. Or play indestructotank. But I don't want to be seasick, you see.

I wish there was a highscore! Also the game is too easy, you should be able to start from, lets say, checkpoints. It doesn't even get fun before 7000.

Game engine and idea is ok, but it takes WAY to long time to get some descent speed. I played to distance 3500 and then it was ALMOST the speed it should have been from the very beginning. Also, there's way to little obstacle.

After 3500 i just stopped playing. I did not have the patience to wait to get even something that reminded of a challenge.

All this together would give the grade 1, because it's simply worthless now. The reason i give 2 is because this is such a minor thing to do to drastically improve the game.