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Reviews for "Flappy Valentine"

Well... Im getting sick of seeing these flappy bird games and stuff. But since you made some great games in the past. I will rate this 4.

Cyberdevil responds:

Thanks. Yeah there are quite a few, but nothing quite like this! ;) I understand why people are making so many of these though, taking the concept and making something new out of it is both easy and fun. It's like when Pacman was still new, there were endless spin-offs thrown into circulation... and it's been a while since there was some new arcade game with the same kind of simplicity as all the old classics. But anyway, it's a free world so you don't have to play anything you don't like right? Thanks for the comment; stars!

This game was an admirable parody of the original. The concept is basically the same and everything but it lacks birds and the same simplistic background types. Well, technically it still has pipes outlines in the background so it is still somewhere like the original.

The background was simplistic and easy on the eyes. The pipes seem kind of ironic given that the foreground lacks pipes and instead has a more simplistic block look with a Pink Knight image plastered onto them as if someone had graffiti them onto the blocks scattered all around the screen.

The game play itself is the same as the original game this one is based on. The only difference being instead of being told to press space or anything to start playing, you automatically jump right into the game without any real warning aside from your Author's Comments saying this. Having it be a small heart with a slight aura around it is a nice little graphic.

The music sets the mood for this game. It kind of makes me ponder and think of this game being a possible metaphor for someone with a broken heart jumping over and ducking under obstacles in life and hoping that one day someone either puts them out of their sad misery or loves them for who they are one day. However it could also be about how someone just can't seem to muster up the courage to tell the person who broke their heart "screw you" or "I miss you" at all, instead sitting around and questioning what went wrong or where to go next in life.

The scoring system is nice and simple. The only thing that seems weird at the moment is that the "Crashes" scoreboard doesn't seem to register any kind of a score above 1 for whatever reason. Planning to fix that error in coding? The "Highes" and "Totales" scoreboards seem to work fine though.

Overall, this was a simplistic and mediocre game. I don't think I could see myself spending hours playing a game like this, but if people like these kind of games, then whatever I suppose. Nice work making yet another game CyberDevil!

Cyberdevil responds:

Well the original had pipes in the foreground, here they're just a scrolling image as a sort of homage to that game. Didn't get if you liked the pink knight graffiti or not? I was thinking of having some hearty texture, but that felt generic so I borrowed a piece of NG layout art instead, framed it in, a more subtle way of repping the site than including a tank logo. :)

Mmm, I was thinking that too, specially with how the heart is blue; the music fits the theme. It can be ambient or melancholy depending on how you look at it.

As for the scoreboards, they're all submitting scores fine, but there seems to be no difference between simple and incrememental with the NG API (the latter is supposed to add to the score, while the former just posts the single value/keeps the highest one). I hope I'll get an answer on this soon, and either find out that I'm missing some super-simple detail or that it's a problem with the API. Not much I can do about it for now. :/

lol, well most people are probably tired of this type of game, but I feel I had an original concept to contribute to the 'genre'. It can get pretty addicting too... thanks for the long; elaborate review SCTE3!

You know, ordinarily, I would blam Flappy Bird clones, but this...this is something special. I mean, seriously. I tried playing it, and it actually wasn't irritating or annoying. It was, in fact...enjoyable. From the soft music and background to the light, airy bounces each click would cause, this--as far as Flappy Bird clones go-is actually pretty good. I found myself continuing to play just to listen to the guitar as much as anything. I mean, actual gameplay overall is still pretty meh, but with the music and atmosphere...this is more enjoyable than the original. Good job!

Cyberdevil responds:

Glad this Flappy game (I'd like to think it's more of a spin-off than a clone hrrm) managed to provide that enjoyable an experience. The Kingbastard track I included is an old favorite of mine, hasn't felt suitable for any other submissions but for this... it looks like it was a pretty good fit! Thanks for the review!

YES! I now hold the all time high score! I've finally done something with my life! Any way nice Flappy bird clone and really like the sound score. Where is it from? Is it you, because it if it is lots of creds to you for composing and writing such a lovely song ^^

Cyberdevil responds:

Woo! Well you held the all time high score for a while. ;) Thanks; the song is Kingbastard - Not Another Love song. It's listed under credits, left hand side under author info. People keep asking, does nobody look there anymore? :P It's an old favorite btw, glad I finally made some submission where it fit.

It's a good take on flappy bird. It's still a ripoff, but a good one with an original take on it. It's like a remix. It's not just copying, it's using something else to make something good.

Cyberdevil responds:

I'd call this a spin-off, not a 'blatant copy or imitation' (as ripoff's defined) but as you say a new take on the original idea. Nothing's copied apart from half the title. ;) Glad you liked it though!