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Reviews for "StoryShift"

This is a great concept! Totally just downloaded it on my phone :) Now I can read and vote on the go!

Evil-Dog responds:

Awesome man :D
Share it with everyone you know :D

uh ! that is alot of writer -- well sick dead friend , paxilon and , evil dog you guy seem to be the small minority group here hahahhaa , there is only one of you guy in programmed , and 2 in artist catergory while there is about 9 write taking the majority number . That is gonna give us alot of book choices to read * so far only 3 book '

well good to see everyone pouring there resources together , i hope you achived many thing , so

are we gonna get a undead story(no this is normal , i mean since we have some one who make undead game here , and since well you know borrowed some event to make a cannon for your next game --- or invented some that have nothing to do with undead series all fun )? hmn? or some space faring adventure( everyone love space , huge giant ship derelict adventure , or simple simulation of what gonna happen out there and how people resolved there situation in harsh enviroment , or simply boom boom battle alien invasion , and battle mech)? horror adventure( let try something news how about dungeon traveller? i mean no body seem to touch in the subject of traveller who in modern day like right now seeking riches under the cave and cavern of the world <--- i seriously recomended the horror theme with good ending or let say resolving ending rather than generic -- YOU ARE DEATH in the end , boring make something we can think about ) ? reality life adventure ( yes another theme most of us not touch most about , but could you make some? i am affraid most subject would be to adult theme to talk about --- since reallife is depressing to most teenager and adult , but if you can tell a reallife story , maybe you can teach us some ACtualy reallife expirience -- what do you think? )? , althought i am currently reading one story at a time here .

and since i am more familiar with undead series , so guys is there any new expansion for the game -- and is there any game telling about what happen after the -- lab of the death event? on pc

is there any improved on road of the dead 3 ? i would like to see more than just a few meter a head of me , and weapon that actually pump in the zombies body like real gun in real life , and good news story line -- and also PLEASE make segway of the death--- who know we have a near naked guy in the cover so --- how about when you make a game about the segway of the death , give him some armor and something to punch the zombies when he ride is segway , maybe he would have made a lift with our friend either in undead series 1 ,2 and lab of the death? you know one man army on segway is pretty good - and give us some crazy segway upgrade too .

and the ending of lab of the dead is quite bad although the game is good , why don't you guy atleast give us ability to convinced general or leutenance wood not shooting the zombies? i mean you already gave us advance reaction how about more and more become human --- after all the first goal is to control the zombies wouldn't it , so the good ending is you started to able to control zombies , and with the help of the soldier you retrofit your bases ready to take back the cities with the new undead army(or near 80 percent human -- well since they are rot , or you let us have ability to make vaccine too ) that is under you command .

well that is about it --- and sorry for everyone out there who well let say , i don't know a thing about you guy --- because i did not view any content that paxilon and other 9 writer do , so to be truthfully , i have alot to catch up , since it mean ( oh and not just me ) if anyone here who wanted to know what most of our writer is thinking we should go back and checking the walk of all of them , this should help us too --- advice the writer to give actual news part of the story ( by not just voting but our choice in comment section <--- meaning really good writting skill and good expression to explained to them what you have in mind ).

and i don't know maybe now we only 3 story , hmn maybe there is gonna be alot more next time , maybe tomorrow or maybe -- it will continues endlessly with the appearances of more writer,artist and programmer who also turn this in a graphical reading book .

so good hope for all of you effort and stay long .

Evil-Dog responds:

First of all, scroll down the list to have more stories...there are 12 stories.
Second, stories are written by each person so I don't choose what they write about, find a great horror writer or a great space story writer and tell him to join the project.
Third, we'll have more dead games, you'll just have to wait and see to get updates :)

Its so awesome i had to stop studying and thats how i failed my science test !

Evil-Dog responds:

Lol be cool stay in school?

Even though the patience for POM Pro is killing me. This game will surely tide me over until I see it.
Evil-Dog. You never cease to impress me on what you can make. :)

Evil-Dog responds:

Haha thanks man :D

I have waited a long time for this. Literally years.

Yes, StoryShift has finally arrived, allowing people to read my story and vote on how it turns out. Other people's stories too, but right now, they seem less important, at this moment in time. Give it a few days and things will return to normal.

Did you ever read the Fighting Fantasy novels by Ian Livingstone? Where you turned to a paragraph number, based on your own choices and the adventure played out? Well, that's basically what we have here. Only this time, the story unfolds in real time, where the writer doesn't know what is going to pan out, just the same as his or her readers. It is a test of the writer's skills to develop the piece as much as possible, without tying themselves in knots (This will undoubtedly happen at some stage)

Give it a week and we shall start to see the next part playing out, with the adventures truly beginning to take off. I am already looking forward to writing the next part and I know which of the four options I want to happen and how each one will play out.

Give it a read, give me a challenge. Heck, while you're at it, read some of my friends' stories and comics and vote on them. The future is in your hands.

Evil-Dog responds:

It's awesome to have you in the project :D Can't wait to see how it all unfolds.