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Reviews for "GatherX"

A very interesting game, addicting and is fairly fast paced as you go on. But there is to much clicking involved. For example you have to keep clicking to sell items unlike other games where there is a sell all button. The clicking eventually begins to hurt your hand. The game is very repetitive and after around 20-30 minutes it has lost the majority of its novelty and just becomes an annoyance. Due to the lack of verity I'd give it a 3 star rating, but because it is an interesting and creative game I'll leave it at 4.5 Stars.

This was a really cool game! Kept me occupied for quite a while. AS FOR SUGGESTIONS I would definitely add a proper ending and also some stats that tell you exactly how many fish and ore you're selling as opposed to your income of them.

This certainly was addictive so I guess I have to rate it high, but I am pretty annoyed that I cut down the beanstalk and didn't get the medal for it.

Coolboyman responds:

I'll have a fix for you tomorrow, sorry about that.

Did it! finished every thing except "Like a Boss", and it was strangely fun. I'm usually not into games like this, but I was kept entranced by the achievements and well made visuals. Though only needing one button is...meh, and the game can just be left, and you'll win faster. To sum up, it's fun and simple, yet time consuming

Quite nice, but I got to listen a few issues. First of all, my final stats:

17/20 pickaxe: no need for further upgrade, not going to mine more after this
20/20 mineral knowledge: a must.
20/20 axe upgrade: The aim of the game.
3/4 fishing rod: no idea why I got this, fisher does all the work.
12/20 hook: I think even only 8 levels would be enough, not quite sure though.
13/20 outfit: had no need for further upgrade
18/20 hat: simple. every time i ran out of fish, clicked this to get full stomach
18/20 muscle: same reason as hat (abouve)
15/20 cooking: didnt know where to put the rest of my cash in :P
20/20 merchanting: absolutely necessary to sell more ores
17/20 explosives: was enough to reach the maximum income rate
15/20 mining mastery: was enough to reach the maximum income rate
2/4 fishing mastery: simply was enough.
12/20: could ve gotten more here, but every time i checked i used muscle or hat for full stamina
1/1 Ballista: got this early, but ... mmmh ... well, I guess it s o.k. What total damage did it?
20/20 Vendor: Max income was core build for stamina abuse in muscle and hat.

Clear time: 02:27:50.476

General ideas:
Fishing by yourself becomes worthless after about 20 minutes. This could be changed by
- lowering stamina gain for all fishes already owned by 0,1 when upgrading species (fish rarity)
- adding an option to auto-sell fishes
- letting the miner and the logger consume fish to do their work
- disable full stamina regain when upgrading hat / muscle (which I consider a bug !)
- (go to: muscle upgrade (below ))

- How much damage did he do during the game? Add a display of this.

- Clearly needs a display of the total damage it did.
- Every time you take down 100000 hp of the beanstalk, it could get +70 regeneration every 6 seconds or so - couterable best with the ballista (level 1: 10 damage * 7 arrows. level 2: 20 damage * 7 arrows etc.)

Balance for fishing and mining:
As I mentioned before, upgrading fish seems to be kind of useless after some time. This could be changed by Letting high level fish prices sit between the mining mineral prices, making them a real option for sale. At the moment a "ray" fish (level 12) is worth 40, while a level 12 ore is worth 60 (cobalt). This makes people go for ores only, leaving the option to sell fish alone.

Muscle upgrade / Hat upgrade:
- must not refill the stamina to 100% when purchased! I could finish 800 000 to 400 000 hp of the beanstalk just by upgrading these two instead of eating fish!
- The muscle upgrade itself should add percential bonus damage to hitting the benstalk, but consume greater stamina when clicking. This would decrease the number of clicks needed on the beanstalk, but drastically increase the number of clicks on fish / eating fish!

- "Like a boss" is a stupid medal! Make it "Click UNDER 50000 times" !!! You clearly are NOT a boss if u get this medal :P ( I dont hav it ;) )
- "Buy all upgrades" of this, that, everything: This ruins your option of feedback like the feedback I m currently giving you, because (except me) everybody wants to have these 100 points (for some reason unknown to me ...)

O.K., that s all for now, see ya around :D